
Friday 26 October 2012

Sick, Working and Powerful.

I think today is quite memorable day for me but first of all, EID-AL-ADHA for my Muslim friends and families which also means Mr. Grumpy too! There were so much we wanted to do in this Kurbaan day like apparently buying one but i guess this year we had to skip. I quoted from Wikipedia " also called as Feast of the Sacrifice, the Major Festival,[1] the Greater EidKurban Bayram and Bakrid,[2] is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to honour the willingness of the prophet ʾIbrāhīm (Abraham) to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismā'īl (Ishmael)a as an act of submission to God's command and his son's acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Abraham with a ram to sacrifice instead "   And I just knew now, thanks to Wikipedia. Hopefully, next year, both of us can have proper celebration in each of our religion's important event. As for this year, so much things were happened in last minutes, so unprepared but next year, we have too. I'm not sure about this Christmas, but I really hope, in this upcoming christmas eve, I can go to church, have wonderful christmas eve with family and Mr. Grumpy and the most important thing : traveling the next day or well maybe few days before the new year, we'll be stealing some "holiday" =D! But let's just hope for the best, and let's see as december is still 2 months away!

The past few days (2 days specially), I've been down with fever which I'm pretty sure it's the para-typhus symptoms. I thought it was because of my liver function is decreasing (lack of exercise, had too much fats in the food I took + working a way too hard). But after I had that "yucky but so powerful" herbal medicine, I realize this is so Para-Typhus! I was just exhausted all the time, couldn't even had this power to move - so powerless but had to go to work!

At night i felt a lot better but i was wrong, woke up in the morning and gosh, totally powerless but today I had two photo-shoots continuously. Amazingly, (praised the LORD), one of my clients canceled the photo-shoot and i knew and so knew if it wasn't because the LORD, it wouldn't happened. HE knew, we wouldn't able to take 2 photo-shoots (me especially since I had to drive too). So left with one!

I wasn't planning to capture and even when I was waiting for them, I was too sick. I was just lay my head in Grumpy's shoulder, listening to him, chuckles a bit and nothing much to say. I was planning to give up, just to sit and watch but when they came, slowly, my energy was being filled. Then I held my hubby and I was just forget the world. This is the joy I feel when I hold my camera. You can see from my face, how sick I'm, but I turned into this "wonder woman" in a matter of second after I do some setting for my camera.

Where did that power come from? I acted like the healthy me, although I knew, my body is struggling! And just as I expected, right after the photo-session, I'm back to the "sick me" ha-ha-ha-ha! funny on how I can be someone else and so powerful. With the usual sickness, I know I'll be able to capture but today was something different. I couldn't even concentrate on anything, body was in high fever (up and down), eyes are paining a lot and couldn't even walk! 

Thank YOU so much LORD for making me realize that being photographer is what I'm meant to be and  be a kids' photographer is my specialization. Took forever to realize on who I'm supposed to be but now I know ( i guess I have always known just ignored), more confident that this is what HE wants me to be at this moment. And btw, after the photo-shoot, we met Mr. Grumpy's new friend and once again we gave out tips and ideas LOL! Perhaps sooner/later, I can be an enlightenment to those who were lost like mine before since we do a lot of free advices why don't we start doing a seminar and charge a bit LOL! #business minded!

This is just a really quick photo-shoot, done in an hour more or less. I only did two retouch at the moment since I'm sick already so time to go to sleep and hope you enjoy the photos! what an effort :D!
Lesson I learnt : If you know what you're meant to be and love what you do, no matter how powerless are you, there's this hidden power arise once you start doing what you are passionated about. Neither did I know where the "extra" power came from and if you only knew how powerless I was then you would understand. If I was too tired to pick up a phone or talk then how could I Had this power to shoot? 

If you are in the point of doing something that you "think" you love, then you will know your answer once it's being tested (not once but many times). If you are being hitting by the storms many of times and yet still keep doing, then it is not just passion but also love, so keep on moving.  If you are being too confident that you are great then it may not your passions. I tell you why because when you are so passionate and loving it genuinely, you will be tested many times until you decided to give up but always regained back. When you love something, you will have this willingness to learn, to fight, to compromise, to accept criticism, and to understand. But if you are already too confident and feeling you're so smart, then how can you learn, understand and compromise? Well, I'm just saying =)

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Kids Photography : Premraj's Family Portrait

New family portrait photo-session is up but this one is my version only. When the first time, Faith, the beautiful mom told me the photos should be done just at home and natural, i was like "hmmm,okay". Not that I have something against home, I just knew the photos will ended up looking like studio photography. It took a while for all of us to actually get the chemistry but Hannah, the sweetest and youngest baby girl melt the ice. The way she laughs, the funny things she did ease everyone including Gerald and Marie, her brother and sister. 

It's such an awesome experience for the first time to really capture family portrait at their home and now, I understood why! She really wants us to retell the story of what they do as a family at home - watching movie and eating together. It's really beyond the words when I saw mom and her grown up kids enjoying their snacks. Her husband came late from the office but since everyone felt comfortable already with us, so we just did the photo-sessions really quick.

These are my (random) favorite photos taken yesterday and gosh, most of their photos look so good in B&W. The ones I really love the most is "mom and son" session and gosh, Gerald could made those cubic stuff in less than 5 minutes OMG! I was so amazed! 

More of their photos can be seen at our Page :

Sunday 21 October 2012

Corporate Event : Mensa Carnivalue

An awesome weekend it had been for both of us, its more than just a blessing but it would had never happened without HIM. No! I'm not talking about married or anything, but this weekend was just wow. I'm still amazed, still go ga-ga-ga when I recalled. The exhibition was a total blessing, the experienced I had today also was amazing and we were exhausted too. Spent the rest of the day after the photo-shoot complaining how paining our head is!

Today's event was totally private, was so glad to be part from the event and I love how humble the big bosses are! It's basically corporate event with (expecting) 4,000 workers (with family) and had bunch of fun at the party they threw. Basically, people who came there were using the tags and there were just something that made you felt the "love" from the workers to the highest managerial levels even the owners speeches were just really simple but somehow it just sounded really good and touchy. There were also some (very) last minute changes due to our freelancer couldn't made it, so we were so stress in finding someone to take care of the booth but we did at the end.  This is the first time for me (us) to experience in capturing 4,000 people and seriously, i think I was getting too much worried at first! How on earth can two of us handle this much of people but we did anyway! Thank GOD it didn't ruin my mood when we came really late and had to get things done before the gate is opened. We came by the place at 8 something and the traffic outside Gelora Bung Karno was just phew!

It was an outdoor event and we are confirmed to have skin burnt and become officially a lot darker. The event was from 9am - 2pm so you can imagine with the heat, how dark we are!

We knew, we would be in big minus by doing the photo-booth and to be honest, it was kind of you know "bothers us" a lot. However, right after we saw those families and their happy faces at our booth, we knew, we have made the right decision and at the end we got quite good profits! But it wasn't all about how much money we got at the end, but seriously, you should had seen with your own eyes on how these people were willing to pay that much for the sake of having "picture together" - PRICELESS! Yes, we are very proud of what we did because priceless moment can't be bought with anything not even be rewinded. Thank you ladies for helping us in handling the booth too, GOD bless both of you abundantly.

The lesson we learnt from today's exhibition at Senayan is that " treasure your employees because without each of them, your company wouldn't be as growing further as today's". I don't have big companies yet not even my photography company has employes yet (except great freelancers) but this is what I know - my marketing man is very awesome, my freelance photographers are great, my driver is very useful. And without each of them, our company won't be this growing too. It is not all about the "money we spent for them" but it is how they utilize what we have and give their best to help us achieve our aims. These people treasured us, spent their precious time for us and we are very thankful to have them!

Both of us were too exhausted from the event + had to do loading out at Miniapolis, so a tough Sunday it was! The tougher for me is to drive with such kinds of headache (felt like there were just needles hitting inside of my brain cells :'( ). So, here I uploaded totally random photos from today's event and enjoy, for more photos will be uploaded at the page : Lil Sunshine Kids Photography

Congratulation for Mensa Carnivalue committee as they did excellent and both of us wish for more blessed and brighter future for the company, GOD bless Mensa's big family =)

Thursday 18 October 2012

Movie Review : Looper

Looper, a movie that made me curious to watch and rumor said it's good. So I stole my time away from exhibition to watch a movie since it's Thursday and definitely no traffic in the booth. At first, Grumpy didn't want it but well, I made it and gosh, it's actually 2 hours movie. Went out from the studio and was like? "time flew too fast!" 21.30 already time to pack and go home (wuooohoo)

IMDB rated : 8.1/10 and I gotta agree but my version is more into 9.5/10 and you must be wondering why I gave such a good rate. First of all, this movie is brilliantly made. The way they back and forth, the riddles, the actions, and each scene make you just wondering 'what's next, what's next". The first 15 minutes quite boring, but do get through it and you are so going to find the beauty of this movie. The story is so simple but with lack of creativity and imaginative minds, this movie would just be an OK only and even flopped. The actings are superb and I really love this kinds of movie! simple but the way they bring up the story is full of imaginations. So yeah, it includes inception - movie that made me go ga-ga-ga whenever I watched them.

I'm not sure whether the Indonesian market like it but for me, I love it. Even Grumpy doesn't like it, too complicated as a movie. I think that's where the beauty - making simple things in complicated ways but ended it beautifully.

*** The whole day (1st day of exhibition) : basically, i did nothing but working, working , working and working until my fingers are so sore. I spent like 6 hours or more at Lada Merah but thank GOD, I got the sofa seat! 

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Halloween Exhibition

Basically, this is what occupied me a lot apart from being busy with editing photos nowadays. I just realized that almost every month we are actually doing exhibition. Next month, we'll also be doing another one but not on December which is enough i guess. Exhibition requires lots of extra energy especially when you are on tight deadlines, it's quite killing though but of course, praised HIM for the chance being given and all were done nicely at the very last minute :-)

The same place for exhibition but this time is with Halloween Theme. I didn't take bunch of photos today and since it will just be for 4 days exhibition, so we decided to just minimize the budget and save it for the other exhibition. But I know Peekaboo never going to fail us in decorations and we trusted them all the ways to decorate. 

For the poster, it's being made by this talented creative people from Witcreative. Anyway, I love our icons and it's just beautifully made and can't wait to see what the next 4 days at exhibitions lesson would be. And here is the sneak-peek of our booth, feel like the carousel is just ours anyway. I bring my Stitch and Doraemon which pretty much loved by the kids and fit the theme (hey, an extra props would do, right? :D!) 

And above all, look how adorable I'm with Halloween costume :D

Saturday 13 October 2012

Daily Me : 8 Years on Going :)

While I was trying to concentrate my work, suddenly, i realized, it's almost e.i.g.h.t. years, I've been falling in  with the same guy. How young we were, when the first time we started our conversation and how crazy I was sent him a message said that "you look like my prince charming". And recalling those golden memories, it's even crazier on how far our journey have became. Started with silly messages, unimportant random comments and chit-chat, and nothing to talk about on the phone except Hi, how are you and what are you doing with No SMS. However, there's this strong feeling (silly though) I felt that there will be so much to talk about once we meet. Bunch of uncertainties and doubts of 6 years has finally answered right after we met and falling in love everyday until today. 

"Where did you guys meet", the question that we have to answer every time we met new people. Felt like just record and replay each time someone ask but guess we are used to it and people were like 'wow' at the end (Thanks for the compliments) . No! I'm so not going to tell how did it all happen, but GOD made it and when HE agreed and all  is right, HE opens the ways at the right timing! I guess, we are really unique in lots of people's eyes (even you'll get more eh, seriously! once we told you the whole story and you'll say - why don't you guys write a novel about it LOL) 

It didn't take me a day or two, a month or two, it took me a year to actually sure and ready for the next step. everything has consequences but now, i know for sure, I found the one and have been found too. Our 6 years journey were funny, weird but amazing when all things happened because of HIM. After we met, things weren't smooth as we thought it would be, so many struggles in between, adjusting each other, and it was just hard. Maybe it wasn't too hard for him to get used to me, but it was just restarting new life for me - sharing sucks but knowing I felt very safe when I'm near him, I started to share, started to show me as who I really am, and being me. I'm very thankful for the efforts of wanting to continuously learning about me and getting to know me more, more and more. And the same goes on me, for an official of 16months, we have been together, I'm still learning, adapting and changing into better.

The pride and ego we have, and every little things just have changed into better. Previously, it was hard for me to be against, to get annoyed on some of his behavior towards some certain people but now, I understood and start to compromise. Relationship is not all about "loving each other", it's also all about willingness to learn, giving more efforts to understand and to listen, and ability to compromise. 

I know my weaknesses and one of them is my short-temper which myself also hate it a lot. Small little thing bothers me so much but always calm when big storm hits me and many found it weird. I salute him, and it's amazed me on how he can get used to it. And keep helping me to control them, even I still haven't been able to control them yet - it's like my anger takes over me not me control them. But I guess, this is the consequences he have to deal with as for me, there are his weaknesses that I need to deal with and giving my best to make him better man as he is making me better lady too :-)

So yes, when I just recalled these old memory from the first time we met even for just a glance until now, the journey has been awesome and it's getting more amazing. " On going 8 years and love is still growing and glowing" - we laugh and cry together, be there together when we were nothing and growing together until we become well-known in society. When I'm weak, he'll be my pillar of strength and when he is lost, I'll be his light. This is what i know at times when I feel to give up, he'll never let me, and at the time when he doesn't know what-else to do, I'll be holding his hands and walking together with him in the decisions he make. By holding hands together and believing in HIS plans, there's nothing we can't conquer :-)

Friday 12 October 2012

Stress me :p

wow, it's friday again and for the past two days we were having hectic schedules checking things out and I felt too tired now (physically and mentally too). Today, we had two meetings and also did an interview too. Knowing both of us knows this person personality even before talking with her, we just decided to test her right on the spot. I think we have found the right person to fill the Graphic Designer's position but not yet 100% confirmed, but it's around 75%. Other applicants just have this "take/leave me attitudes" which is so not going to work on us. Actually, this kind of attitude attract most of the people the most, but for us, it's a big no :)

We know what she capable of doing but everyone always get nervous at first but i think we can work together, so let's see with the other stuff we have given her. Looking forward to settle things down, as soon as possible if i can! The past two days, we really are fully occupied and often it gets into our nerves, so yeah, fighting here and there but at least it's because we want to get things to look as best as we can give.

Many random thing comes in our mind with 4 exhibitions are coming up for this and next month! We really are that hectic + albums + client photos + feel like just screaming often in time. The worst is that, when I get back home, I tend not to do anything but being lazy and time flies so fast!

So many things we want to buy but we need to cut lots of things as well - find the most useful ones because our needs are too much (expenses are very high). I just checked the Imac desktop I want, it's really pricy too but I know we need to as well and many things to do! OMG, feel like just the LORD gives us "money rains" with unlimited budget because each time we calculate, it feels like a cut in our hand!

look how stress I'm in writing this blog ha-ha-ha-ha! really stress, feel like screaming and want things to settle in a blink of an eye ha-ha-ha! can we?!!

Let's concentrate, oh wait, let's go for a quick nap! goodnight and I hope i wake up tomorrow morning not after an hour or two LOL!

Thursday 11 October 2012

Kids Photography : Sierra 1st Birthday Party

Taking "1st birthday" party is what i love the most from being kids photographer more than capturing family portrait. There's this extra joy i felt when I captured them and when I do post-processing. The pride of their parents, their grandpa and grandma, and when I capture them at the right moment in one frame, it make me feel so proud of myself because these joy and happiness on their faces are just irreplaceable. The first birthday has always been special and by being chosen as their photographer made me even feel like we are very special. I'm not sure what have made me really fall in love with this event, but all i know, i love capturing birthday party (gimme more, more more and more endless job of capturing kids birthday party, Aamiin :D)

Anyway, introducing you, Sierra who is just recently turned 1 last week. She is very cheerful, funny and love to socialize. Everyone just want to take a picture with her but not with everyone she would smile so lucky that she loves us! But, mostly, she gets along with everyone, she just need a bit of adjustment and Sierra is super-duper energetic for one year old baby. We love the decorations for her birthday party as it was beautifully done. The birthday was actually very simple - lunch together and cut cake but somehow, everyone seems to just love it. The place is a bit squeeze although I managed to get through those small spaces ha-ha-ha-ha! Pardon me for not being detailed person which simply means, I don't have details of decoration that much and even if I do, it won't be that awesome (or maybe it's ;p)

Chosen and edited these photos randomly since I've to continue working. No further writing since I'm on hectic schedule ( 5 clients to go , do pray for me) so here are the photos taken from her awesome, cheerful and yummy food birthday party. Actually, I have uploaded more photos at our Facebook's page : Lil Sunshine Photography , so make sure, do check out the other photos we captured and uploaded. Knowing we have so many clients on the lines, so, i can't do any much updates of her birthday party photos. I need to concentrate and oh, how sucks my BB is in the hospital and they say it takes "14 working days " to get it done which basically mean 1 month away (just in case they give bunch of reasons) and I wonder how am I keep in touch with the client? :'(

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Movie Review : Taken 2

We sneaked out from our hectic schedule and decided to just "pamper ourself" - movie, saloon and hanging out. Goodness me, it's such a relief on taking one day off to just be lazy bees. The movie, we kept wanting to watch : TAKEN 2 - Hello Liam Neeson!

I remember the first time i watched Taken 1 where the movie wasn't really be favorites until it got released at DVD and people adored this low-budget movie even i did too. At least it wasn't that "happening" back in the cinema, more like, people wasn't bother to watch. Just like other, I brought the dvd and couldn't kept my eyes away from this awesome, simple that full of actions but made in low-budget. I knew there would be a sequel but I didn't know what would the story be, just got a feeling it would have a sequel.

My rate for this movie is 8,5/10 - or maybe should I give it 9,5? It's really entertaining, didn't make you bored even for a second and make you want to watch it again for the 2nd time. At least, that's the feeling got into me after I finished the movie. The simplicity, the emotions and very simple actions in that movie make me rated that high. Okay! everyone knows how this movie going to end, at the first time you see - a happy ending but who ever thought the way they bring up this movie would be that wow.  IMDB gives 6,8 for the rating but the movie was in the top line for few weeks even at its first opening day.  Basically it's a story about a daughter whose parents got kidnapped and now it's her turn to find them. But you know its just no comment, loving this :-)

There are bunch of movies I want to watch but time isn't at our side at the moment : Premium Rush, looper, Heroine, English Vinglish and a lot more of upcoming movies. So yeah, we were having such a relaxing day and it's great though and btw, my BB is officially died on me, which gosh, finally I can take my hands off from BB for almost a month ha-ha-ha-ha =D!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Tuesday Happiness & Sadness

" Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home

Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home "

Now, it Grumpy's turn to get so much addicted with this song called Home by Philip Philips. I was kept listening to this song for the past few days (continuously in a day) when I was doing exhibition and felt strong. I love the simple lyric, beautiful tunes and strong voice he has! the way he brings out this song is just going to melt your heart, encourage you that all will be alright, don't be afraid to lose. And even the simplicity of its official video-clip makes you feel the joy of the song!

Btw, I'm writing this blog at 4.16 am since i had an early sleep. There are things i wish to share, but often in time, we just have to make it in secret in order to happen. I'm not sure whether i'm doing the right thing because the one (we) are planning to do is really unique that you can only found few in the world , I guess but none in indonesia. So yes, I've this crazy idea in my head that is being considered a lot nowadays! I can't show my gratitude to those who have supported me and see its potentials. I can't tell but hope, it can be released and all goes well :-)

Nothing much to do in this tuesday neither I touched any work. Grumpy and Ferdinand roamed around Jakarta and met one of the client and also designer too. Basically, tuesday full of meeting, researching and ended with boredom knowing well, shouldn't be mentioned LOL! And oh the best thing about tuesday is that we spent most of our time, eating, eating and my tummy is overloaded and overjoyed! Btw, We love this grilled corns with Chocolate, Cheese and Milk! Oh Goodness me, what a heaven for us! Can't wait to go to Grand Indonesia as they have this Jakarta Culinary Festival and I guess I need to go them later when we do exhibition this month ha-ha-ha-ha! 

It was actually fun-loving-tuesday as me, grumpy and Ferdinand were laughing the whole time with stupid bunch of ideas. Quite relaxing since we are having hectic works and I'm not sure when I can watch Taken 2! One client is finally done after a month doing their and now, there are like another 4 clients which are near to dateline. So, i guess, it's an official that today, I have to spend my time again sitting in front of the computer and well, i do love doing it but just not at my house (like in cafe :p)

Monday 8 October 2012

Movie Review : Ted

Since Mr. Grumpy doesn't want to watch Ted, I decided to just buy the DVD version although it is not yet that good but whatever, I watched it! Supposedly, monday is my (our) holiday doing nothing but being lazy. But this time, it's another working day since there are lots of pending works anyway!

i thought the movie would be "awesome" since i heard great respond even IMDB gives 7.6 ratings.  It's good but not that awesome ; very entertaining but you know one-time-watch movie! I love the jokes but the whole entire movie is a dull. Even I understood how John Bennet's feeling as I'm living in a world like him too but mine is not alive!

The truth when I was a kid and once-in-bluemoon , i do wish my teddy bear comes alive! I've this teddy bear who's growing old with me (she' 27 now) and we've been together for 27 years so imagine how damaged she must look now. She was a gift from my aunty from America and look how I've made her look now (sorry!) Whenever I'm happy/sad, I shared with her and even a lot in times I cried in her skinny and tiny feet knowing I feel safe. Being the only child is hard and what make it harder is when your parents are supposed to be your grandma & grandpa instead. The big gaps in between + lack of time spent together as a family made me just wish my teddy bear, nyen2" her name, to come alive.

She looks scary now and I had no idea what I did but I do still carry her around here and there whenever I'm traveling. No Kidding! I used to shy as lot of people made fun of me, but what to do when I hold her hands, I feel as safe as when I'm holding Mr. Grumpy's hand! I don't know how he felt at first when he found out (curious to know :p), because i also wonder how am I going to let her go after marriage? C'mon! every parents barely think that their childhood's stuff would stay with their kids until they are mature or even old. Nor my mom ever think, we would be this attached and too many times, she encouraged me to throw my precious away. At certain age, I was afraid to put her away from me , scared mom would steal and throw her away! It's either mom has that tendency to do so, or the fear of losing her scared me ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Thank GOD, Mr. Grumpy can bare with it! I guess, despite of him feeling "wtf" (maybe), he sees how much we attached to each other just like how John's girlfriend realizes. So this is my story, my love towards my 27-years-old-teddy-bear who is looking ugly now with so much memory and love towards her. Yes, i'm still holding her when I'm sleeping and no matter how many times I tried to put her far away from me, I know I'll look for her or even can't sleep at night! Even when I dropped her, I could woke up suddenly with half-awake eyes and brain only to look for her then sleep again ha-ha-ha-ha!

This is my story, my love towards her and I'm happy to have her next to me. I bring her whenever I go out for traveling too (even my friend knows) especially to places I never been too. Even I do put her on my hand-carry-back a lot so when I'm scared in the place or thinking about bunch of things, I put my hand in my bag and hold her knowing "all will be just okay" :-)

Thursday 4 October 2012

I'm not COOL anymore!

Random thought came in my mind when I'm working (now):

HOW COOL ARE YOU NOW compared to those years back in high school / university or even before marriage's life? Seriously, reflect those oldies memory and are you becoming more like a nerd or still keeping up with today's hype? because without I'm realizing it, I'm getting far away left behind with today's new things. It is not just all about vast growing of technology that all of us are always updated with (thanks to massive marketing from each company) but it;s more like you, the inside you!

Okay, let me start ... 

While I'm doing my work right now while blogging, I realized how unmodernized I've become. It took me quite long time to know about One Direction and their famous songs that are keep repeating being played at the Radios / everywhere. As a crazy movie lover who can do Marathon movies up to 6 in a day, nowadays, I'm so much left behind - so much movies I wanted to watch but no time to catch up or the worst, sometimes I'm not even know which movies are playing. Whether it's music or movie, I'm quite left behind which describe how 'not' cool I'm anymore. Apart from that, I've no idea which hang out places are in trends nowadays but after like 1/2 years or 1 year I was like "oh, that's the one". Basically, I'm like living in my own rural areas, without knowing what's happening in outer world.

Is it a bad thing from not being cool anymore? In other way of saying, I'm a nerd who grounded herself at home with lack of socialize and only do a monotone thing : work - eat - sleep - work - and lucky me, an additional of "dating and working together" adds a color to my monotone daily line. ha-ha-ha-ha! 

Now, the truth, how do i feel? amazingly, I feel great! seriously, not just for me, i also believe Grumpy feels the same way as i do, It feels awesome to just be a nerdy. I do miss those kinda of life where you can have so much fun, where time and money is not a big deal but I enjoy the moment of being more responsible and doing things more reasonably. I mean, you know, often you buy things only because "everyone is using it or it's today's trend", but nowadays, I'm more like thinking of "why am I buying it?" rather than "let's buy and make it junk later on " LOL! 

I'm not being stingy and I can still enjoy life in a lot better way. Often, you'll amazed on how much you can compromised with things you thought you needed but it wasn't much useful once you own it. The same like food even as food lover, I become more rational in choosing food. How easy for me to be tempted, to just pick more than just one food for my own (usually there are varieties of food in my table) and the hardest to say No to desert. But all is good, all is great at the end even its started with pains. I understood how much money I spent for the food I wasted( apparently, I only had 1/2 of it and throw the rest LOL) and becoming more grateful.

No offense but we are living in society where "following trends and becoming the trend's slave" is the coolest things to do whether its from fashion - food, from car - traveling  and many other sub-categories. But for me, for grumpy, for us, trend never ends but money will. being cool is great, has its benefit like wider networking but living with trends make your social life goes up too.

If you are the cool person or trying to be cool and doing the best you can to fit into society where your pocket is drained, do ask again, does it worth it? Being trendy has its own consequences and it's true , you fit the society and living in the society you have been looking for (even getting people you wanted to have) but do not push too hard when deep inside of you know that you are not yet capable to be in the level you wish to be.

Being cool make you feel awesome, make you feel like "Mr/Ms. know-it-all / Mr/Mrs -everyone-role-model- but don't forget you also have to maintain that image for as long as you can, as high as you can. 

As for us, we love the life we are living at the moment where both of us had lived in those life where money and time was never matter but ended up "crap, we could had saved so much money when we were young". We love being nerd, keep learning, improving ourself doing things we love even we are left behind in today's trend. But i guess, both of us just workaholic :D!

And my tips : do not push your self off the limit for the sake of being cool or following the trends. remember history repeats itself ;-)

LOL Thursday!

Yeah I had no idea what on earth am I doing but I saw there's this writing competition from Shangri-La hotel in Jakarta. I guess I was just that bored or not too excited in doing the same work. so the writing is about describe your "perfect weekend gateway" with no less than 100 words which is just too hard for me! I love to write, I can write bunch of crappy stuff too so being limited with words, it's just kinda turned off for me! The truth, seriously, i wanted to get the free buffet as their restaurant, Satoo, is the top buffet restaurant, you know getting it for free would just be awesome!  I'm not sure whether I'm gonna win or not, but this is what i wrote of "perfect weekend gateway" 

"Nothing beats the happiness of doing an art of nothing in the weekend - eating, laughing, swimming and sleeping. For us, as kids' photographer, by being able to just relax with no work for a day is a gift. We believe, no matter how overloaded our work is, we must have time to spend together. Basically, it means we are totally ignoring our work on when are on quick date on the 3rd of the month to celebrate our anniversary. see, the precious time and memory we shared can't be bought by money. so YES! we need this perfect gateway "

The truth? there are so much i wanted to write, to elaborate in precise ways but gosh, even i ended the sentence with 99 words LOL! Hope they get what I'm trying to say and am I gonna win? I don't know but I want and wish too. Anyway, you can see how bored I'm in entering this kind of thing for i don't know why and what for lol.

Nothing much to talk about thursday except being busy with work and went to hospital for medicine. Thanks to the acid inside of my tummy that went up since yesterday and made me felt like vomiting! I felt better after the medicine and yes, often i ignored my tummy until it hurts when I'm hungry which I guess now, I had enough. This gastric problem is quite killing as you can't do anything much except sitting and sleeping straight. Hope tomorrow, I'll be just awesome :-)

Glad the misunderstanding between me and the client is crystal clear now. I had a quick nap and when I saw the message i was like "what? omg, misunderstood, what to do" well, i was in total panic - my brain wasn't yet in full-loading and had a quick panic attack but praised HIM, all is well. The LORD is just wow, amazing :)

Another two hectic months we'll be having with so much exhibitions and extremely lots of things needed to be done. We had a serious quality talk today about the business on what to do next. I also had talk with my mom too and it make me even more confuse and over excited. So much things needed to buy, to set up and we need human resources as well. although both of us is very confident, but you know, there are just moments, when you are just NOT mentally ready for a wrong calculation. That's the situation both of us at - we want to make sure we chose the right way with the right people and at the right timing too. I guess, this is why until now, we are not yet taking an action to our believe - still waiting for an obvious green signal from the LORD. 

Anyway, I don't know why i felt like updating my blog after so long! so much I wanted to share but each time I wanted to write, photoshop calls me already. I really want to just focus on writing but oh dear, I'm crap in focusing. That's it, my quick blog for today as i need to continue harassing my photoshop and laptop doing repetitious command ha-ha-ha-ha! 

Wednesday 3 October 2012

what a date!

The title says it clearly, what a date! I don't say it's a bad date, it's quite funny in a way somehow but memorable enough. Today is our 16th month anniversary and I didn't realize until yesterday late at night when i saw the date "2". Even Gwumpieh , Mr- Always- remember-everything forgot! ha, how am I not amazed LOL. Not that we start to forget but we were just too overjoyed, too occupied with the bunch of works we have and the most, we just got back to Jakarta! Obviously, 5 clients folders in the row that we have to check, select and retouch. The bitter truth is that the due date is next week whereas one client folder is around 1,000 photos from both camera; So see how tough our job is as photographer when we select the photos ha-ha-ha-ha ( but we love what we do a lot )

We are too busy racing-against-time, replying emails, this and that even I'm fully occupied while we were waiting for our food. Since our mind kept telling us to continue working, we ditched the "movie date" and just had quick lunch date at Sam & Jolly again. Gwumpieh ordered the same food as always, the Mumbai Curry while this time I decided to have this Lebanese rice with kebab. Sad, that they have changed the recipe for the Curry and seriously, we miss the old taste! - the new one sucks big time, it taste like Indonesian soup called Soto (harsh comment but true). While my food is good but not awesome.

oh! yeah we look like twinnie since we had the same T-Shirt color accidentally LOL. Not sure who copied who but we do this matching color a lot. Since I was married with my laptop, I forgot to actually take pictures of my food. I had my food just like a girl who haven't eat for a week right after I sent emails and replied some inquires!

Btw, you know what's the best thing about celebrating our anniversary? it must be "desert time" for me. Our anniversary is the time where I can order whatever desert/cake I wanted without being restricted. Well , it's fair enough and it have become our habit to do since the first. Another peek-a-boo- desert - Strawberry Yoghurt with Bananas on top of Banana cakes with Maple syrup and gosh, its yummy! 

We were torn between this and another one which I forgot the name but knowing He loves bananas, so banana desert it's! At least I took quick picture of the yummy desert even it doesn't look good. We were actually eating them very slowly until the yoghurt melted :'(

What a date, today has been for me and us. Where we were more excited in getting our works done and our mind couldn't stop on telling us to continue working even we skipped dinner too. Actually, honestly and personally ( i think Grumpy also agrees) that this is what we love to do everyday - being fully occupied with work, working together, and spare bit of time for you & i moment even it's just a quick lunch/dinner date. Both of us really are workaholic and thank GOD, we are running the same business with the same professions but different (extra) skills in post-processings. 

We know we will be very busy even busier than nowadays in near future but both of us also understand the importance of spending time together no matter how hectic our work is. One thing I know, one day if we have our own career lines, we know, we will steal some time from work to just being together :")

And as the rest of the day, we sat in front of our laptop, continue what we are meant to do and ignoring our dinner.  Thank GOD for this awesome day and for sent me a man who cover my weaknesses with his strengths, who believe in my capabilities more than I think I'm capable of doing, who believe in me more than I believe myself, who remind me of the LORD's powerful power, and who can adapt with my short-temper even my anger hurts him a lot. All i want is to redeem my anger and let ME control my anger not my anger controls me. I don't know how am I going to do that, but I know I can and all it takes is just an extra effort =)

FYI, today, the acid in my tummy goes up very badly and felt like vomiting a lot after I spent 4 hours non-stop editing photos. Maybe it's because of the screen brightness but not after I tried to sleep and I couldn't move here and there (have to be in straight position or else, i felt like vomiting & felt the acid went up in my throat *ewww*) 

Kids Photography : Vintage Family Portrait

These images are totally too fresh from the oven and not yet being published at Lil' Sunshine Photography's page, so you know how fresh this is. Just got back from Puncak today and right away turned on my laptop when I got back home and decided to do random check and edit the photos! 

These family portrait was taken on Monday but I decided to just fully ignored my work after the photo-shoot by just being lazy. Anyway, Thank GOD the traffic was smooth & we arrived back in Jakarta just less than 1,5 hours which was just awesome. We were just a way too tired, felt like just sleeping the whole day in our comfortable bed but right when I saw these photos, i forgot of being tired and sleepy! I guess this is how much I love my job.

Don't be shock with different editing I do for this family because she requested for "vintage and soft" editing while, the truth, it is not my kind. I'm more into sharp and rich color, so most of their photos are edited by Mr. Grumpy since he have those vintage sense. But, it doesn't stop me from trying to edit like how the vintage editing is. I'm pretty much curious, but I doubt my editing as good as Grumpy does. Here are my attempts in trying to make the photo becomes " vintage ". Hard to believe how could I done this kind of editing but somehow I'm proud of myself even I've to admit, this is not my style nor I enjoyed on doing it. Uh, there's nothing wrong by trying something new right =D