
Saturday 13 October 2012

Daily Me : 8 Years on Going :)

While I was trying to concentrate my work, suddenly, i realized, it's almost e.i.g.h.t. years, I've been falling in  with the same guy. How young we were, when the first time we started our conversation and how crazy I was sent him a message said that "you look like my prince charming". And recalling those golden memories, it's even crazier on how far our journey have became. Started with silly messages, unimportant random comments and chit-chat, and nothing to talk about on the phone except Hi, how are you and what are you doing with No SMS. However, there's this strong feeling (silly though) I felt that there will be so much to talk about once we meet. Bunch of uncertainties and doubts of 6 years has finally answered right after we met and falling in love everyday until today. 

"Where did you guys meet", the question that we have to answer every time we met new people. Felt like just record and replay each time someone ask but guess we are used to it and people were like 'wow' at the end (Thanks for the compliments) . No! I'm so not going to tell how did it all happen, but GOD made it and when HE agreed and all  is right, HE opens the ways at the right timing! I guess, we are really unique in lots of people's eyes (even you'll get more eh, seriously! once we told you the whole story and you'll say - why don't you guys write a novel about it LOL) 

It didn't take me a day or two, a month or two, it took me a year to actually sure and ready for the next step. everything has consequences but now, i know for sure, I found the one and have been found too. Our 6 years journey were funny, weird but amazing when all things happened because of HIM. After we met, things weren't smooth as we thought it would be, so many struggles in between, adjusting each other, and it was just hard. Maybe it wasn't too hard for him to get used to me, but it was just restarting new life for me - sharing sucks but knowing I felt very safe when I'm near him, I started to share, started to show me as who I really am, and being me. I'm very thankful for the efforts of wanting to continuously learning about me and getting to know me more, more and more. And the same goes on me, for an official of 16months, we have been together, I'm still learning, adapting and changing into better.

The pride and ego we have, and every little things just have changed into better. Previously, it was hard for me to be against, to get annoyed on some of his behavior towards some certain people but now, I understood and start to compromise. Relationship is not all about "loving each other", it's also all about willingness to learn, giving more efforts to understand and to listen, and ability to compromise. 

I know my weaknesses and one of them is my short-temper which myself also hate it a lot. Small little thing bothers me so much but always calm when big storm hits me and many found it weird. I salute him, and it's amazed me on how he can get used to it. And keep helping me to control them, even I still haven't been able to control them yet - it's like my anger takes over me not me control them. But I guess, this is the consequences he have to deal with as for me, there are his weaknesses that I need to deal with and giving my best to make him better man as he is making me better lady too :-)

So yes, when I just recalled these old memory from the first time we met even for just a glance until now, the journey has been awesome and it's getting more amazing. " On going 8 years and love is still growing and glowing" - we laugh and cry together, be there together when we were nothing and growing together until we become well-known in society. When I'm weak, he'll be my pillar of strength and when he is lost, I'll be his light. This is what i know at times when I feel to give up, he'll never let me, and at the time when he doesn't know what-else to do, I'll be holding his hands and walking together with him in the decisions he make. By holding hands together and believing in HIS plans, there's nothing we can't conquer :-)

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