
Thursday 4 October 2012

LOL Thursday!

Yeah I had no idea what on earth am I doing but I saw there's this writing competition from Shangri-La hotel in Jakarta. I guess I was just that bored or not too excited in doing the same work. so the writing is about describe your "perfect weekend gateway" with no less than 100 words which is just too hard for me! I love to write, I can write bunch of crappy stuff too so being limited with words, it's just kinda turned off for me! The truth, seriously, i wanted to get the free buffet as their restaurant, Satoo, is the top buffet restaurant, you know getting it for free would just be awesome!  I'm not sure whether I'm gonna win or not, but this is what i wrote of "perfect weekend gateway" 

"Nothing beats the happiness of doing an art of nothing in the weekend - eating, laughing, swimming and sleeping. For us, as kids' photographer, by being able to just relax with no work for a day is a gift. We believe, no matter how overloaded our work is, we must have time to spend together. Basically, it means we are totally ignoring our work on when are on quick date on the 3rd of the month to celebrate our anniversary. see, the precious time and memory we shared can't be bought by money. so YES! we need this perfect gateway "

The truth? there are so much i wanted to write, to elaborate in precise ways but gosh, even i ended the sentence with 99 words LOL! Hope they get what I'm trying to say and am I gonna win? I don't know but I want and wish too. Anyway, you can see how bored I'm in entering this kind of thing for i don't know why and what for lol.

Nothing much to talk about thursday except being busy with work and went to hospital for medicine. Thanks to the acid inside of my tummy that went up since yesterday and made me felt like vomiting! I felt better after the medicine and yes, often i ignored my tummy until it hurts when I'm hungry which I guess now, I had enough. This gastric problem is quite killing as you can't do anything much except sitting and sleeping straight. Hope tomorrow, I'll be just awesome :-)

Glad the misunderstanding between me and the client is crystal clear now. I had a quick nap and when I saw the message i was like "what? omg, misunderstood, what to do" well, i was in total panic - my brain wasn't yet in full-loading and had a quick panic attack but praised HIM, all is well. The LORD is just wow, amazing :)

Another two hectic months we'll be having with so much exhibitions and extremely lots of things needed to be done. We had a serious quality talk today about the business on what to do next. I also had talk with my mom too and it make me even more confuse and over excited. So much things needed to buy, to set up and we need human resources as well. although both of us is very confident, but you know, there are just moments, when you are just NOT mentally ready for a wrong calculation. That's the situation both of us at - we want to make sure we chose the right way with the right people and at the right timing too. I guess, this is why until now, we are not yet taking an action to our believe - still waiting for an obvious green signal from the LORD. 

Anyway, I don't know why i felt like updating my blog after so long! so much I wanted to share but each time I wanted to write, photoshop calls me already. I really want to just focus on writing but oh dear, I'm crap in focusing. That's it, my quick blog for today as i need to continue harassing my photoshop and laptop doing repetitious command ha-ha-ha-ha! 

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