
Thursday 4 October 2012

I'm not COOL anymore!

Random thought came in my mind when I'm working (now):

HOW COOL ARE YOU NOW compared to those years back in high school / university or even before marriage's life? Seriously, reflect those oldies memory and are you becoming more like a nerd or still keeping up with today's hype? because without I'm realizing it, I'm getting far away left behind with today's new things. It is not just all about vast growing of technology that all of us are always updated with (thanks to massive marketing from each company) but it;s more like you, the inside you!

Okay, let me start ... 

While I'm doing my work right now while blogging, I realized how unmodernized I've become. It took me quite long time to know about One Direction and their famous songs that are keep repeating being played at the Radios / everywhere. As a crazy movie lover who can do Marathon movies up to 6 in a day, nowadays, I'm so much left behind - so much movies I wanted to watch but no time to catch up or the worst, sometimes I'm not even know which movies are playing. Whether it's music or movie, I'm quite left behind which describe how 'not' cool I'm anymore. Apart from that, I've no idea which hang out places are in trends nowadays but after like 1/2 years or 1 year I was like "oh, that's the one". Basically, I'm like living in my own rural areas, without knowing what's happening in outer world.

Is it a bad thing from not being cool anymore? In other way of saying, I'm a nerd who grounded herself at home with lack of socialize and only do a monotone thing : work - eat - sleep - work - and lucky me, an additional of "dating and working together" adds a color to my monotone daily line. ha-ha-ha-ha! 

Now, the truth, how do i feel? amazingly, I feel great! seriously, not just for me, i also believe Grumpy feels the same way as i do, It feels awesome to just be a nerdy. I do miss those kinda of life where you can have so much fun, where time and money is not a big deal but I enjoy the moment of being more responsible and doing things more reasonably. I mean, you know, often you buy things only because "everyone is using it or it's today's trend", but nowadays, I'm more like thinking of "why am I buying it?" rather than "let's buy and make it junk later on " LOL! 

I'm not being stingy and I can still enjoy life in a lot better way. Often, you'll amazed on how much you can compromised with things you thought you needed but it wasn't much useful once you own it. The same like food even as food lover, I become more rational in choosing food. How easy for me to be tempted, to just pick more than just one food for my own (usually there are varieties of food in my table) and the hardest to say No to desert. But all is good, all is great at the end even its started with pains. I understood how much money I spent for the food I wasted( apparently, I only had 1/2 of it and throw the rest LOL) and becoming more grateful.

No offense but we are living in society where "following trends and becoming the trend's slave" is the coolest things to do whether its from fashion - food, from car - traveling  and many other sub-categories. But for me, for grumpy, for us, trend never ends but money will. being cool is great, has its benefit like wider networking but living with trends make your social life goes up too.

If you are the cool person or trying to be cool and doing the best you can to fit into society where your pocket is drained, do ask again, does it worth it? Being trendy has its own consequences and it's true , you fit the society and living in the society you have been looking for (even getting people you wanted to have) but do not push too hard when deep inside of you know that you are not yet capable to be in the level you wish to be.

Being cool make you feel awesome, make you feel like "Mr/Ms. know-it-all / Mr/Mrs -everyone-role-model- but don't forget you also have to maintain that image for as long as you can, as high as you can. 

As for us, we love the life we are living at the moment where both of us had lived in those life where money and time was never matter but ended up "crap, we could had saved so much money when we were young". We love being nerd, keep learning, improving ourself doing things we love even we are left behind in today's trend. But i guess, both of us just workaholic :D!

And my tips : do not push your self off the limit for the sake of being cool or following the trends. remember history repeats itself ;-)

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