
Me and Us

oh hello there, I'm Gracy. I'm kids photographer who is living in Jakarta, in love with Indian culture, food lover, and very short-temper lady. Yes, I do call myself lady since I'm not as young as I look, oh at least I think I've an old soul in me (other disagreed btw). I don't have a good sense of art nor was born with it but I learn from seeing others. I can be the most stubborn person you ever met and known in life or the most short-temper person, you ever encountered with.

Despite the bad personalities, I'm pretty much funny and fun to be with :p! I love writing but my laziness beats my willingness so you know, i ended up not writing my blog as often (daily) as I shall be. My best friends and Mr. Grumpy told me to start writing about "my love story" but I don't know where to begin, this kids' photography business occupies me very well and I love being busy! I'm a workaholic , totally addicted and ready to work as long I'm capable.

Introducing you my fiance, 5DMKII with 24-105! Those photos you've seen are 90% from this camera with this lens. I don't like any other lens although I'm tempted by many but this one is just irreplaceable. When other change their kit lens, I salute mine of using an ordinary ones with good result ( wanted to say extra ordinary :p)

I used to be wedding photographer but it was a way too hard to handle things alone but with kids photography, I feel less burden but extra happiness and of course building my kids' photography requires falling many times in life. I love to capture stupid faces and emotions which is why I'm confident enough to be called as Candid photographer.

And yes! when everyone is so crazy over SLR, I'm shifting my gear into Sony NEX-7! Not yet a pro but soon, I'll be. Apart from this SLR, I also love my Samsung Note 1 and hate my blackberry (using it because of clients, nothing else)!  hmmm, Nothing much i can tell. Anyway, do i bored you? guess so! for more of my portfolio can be seen at :

And btw, my kids photography business goes to overseas too,so if you and your friends are interested in me capturing them, do contact me right away at : ;D

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