
Friday 26 October 2012

Sick, Working and Powerful.

I think today is quite memorable day for me but first of all, EID-AL-ADHA for my Muslim friends and families which also means Mr. Grumpy too! There were so much we wanted to do in this Kurbaan day like apparently buying one but i guess this year we had to skip. I quoted from Wikipedia " also called as Feast of the Sacrifice, the Major Festival,[1] the Greater EidKurban Bayram and Bakrid,[2] is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to honour the willingness of the prophet ʾIbrāhīm (Abraham) to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismā'īl (Ishmael)a as an act of submission to God's command and his son's acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Abraham with a ram to sacrifice instead "   And I just knew now, thanks to Wikipedia. Hopefully, next year, both of us can have proper celebration in each of our religion's important event. As for this year, so much things were happened in last minutes, so unprepared but next year, we have too. I'm not sure about this Christmas, but I really hope, in this upcoming christmas eve, I can go to church, have wonderful christmas eve with family and Mr. Grumpy and the most important thing : traveling the next day or well maybe few days before the new year, we'll be stealing some "holiday" =D! But let's just hope for the best, and let's see as december is still 2 months away!

The past few days (2 days specially), I've been down with fever which I'm pretty sure it's the para-typhus symptoms. I thought it was because of my liver function is decreasing (lack of exercise, had too much fats in the food I took + working a way too hard). But after I had that "yucky but so powerful" herbal medicine, I realize this is so Para-Typhus! I was just exhausted all the time, couldn't even had this power to move - so powerless but had to go to work!

At night i felt a lot better but i was wrong, woke up in the morning and gosh, totally powerless but today I had two photo-shoots continuously. Amazingly, (praised the LORD), one of my clients canceled the photo-shoot and i knew and so knew if it wasn't because the LORD, it wouldn't happened. HE knew, we wouldn't able to take 2 photo-shoots (me especially since I had to drive too). So left with one!

I wasn't planning to capture and even when I was waiting for them, I was too sick. I was just lay my head in Grumpy's shoulder, listening to him, chuckles a bit and nothing much to say. I was planning to give up, just to sit and watch but when they came, slowly, my energy was being filled. Then I held my hubby and I was just forget the world. This is the joy I feel when I hold my camera. You can see from my face, how sick I'm, but I turned into this "wonder woman" in a matter of second after I do some setting for my camera.

Where did that power come from? I acted like the healthy me, although I knew, my body is struggling! And just as I expected, right after the photo-session, I'm back to the "sick me" ha-ha-ha-ha! funny on how I can be someone else and so powerful. With the usual sickness, I know I'll be able to capture but today was something different. I couldn't even concentrate on anything, body was in high fever (up and down), eyes are paining a lot and couldn't even walk! 

Thank YOU so much LORD for making me realize that being photographer is what I'm meant to be and  be a kids' photographer is my specialization. Took forever to realize on who I'm supposed to be but now I know ( i guess I have always known just ignored), more confident that this is what HE wants me to be at this moment. And btw, after the photo-shoot, we met Mr. Grumpy's new friend and once again we gave out tips and ideas LOL! Perhaps sooner/later, I can be an enlightenment to those who were lost like mine before since we do a lot of free advices why don't we start doing a seminar and charge a bit LOL! #business minded!

This is just a really quick photo-shoot, done in an hour more or less. I only did two retouch at the moment since I'm sick already so time to go to sleep and hope you enjoy the photos! what an effort :D!
Lesson I learnt : If you know what you're meant to be and love what you do, no matter how powerless are you, there's this hidden power arise once you start doing what you are passionated about. Neither did I know where the "extra" power came from and if you only knew how powerless I was then you would understand. If I was too tired to pick up a phone or talk then how could I Had this power to shoot? 

If you are in the point of doing something that you "think" you love, then you will know your answer once it's being tested (not once but many times). If you are being hitting by the storms many of times and yet still keep doing, then it is not just passion but also love, so keep on moving.  If you are being too confident that you are great then it may not your passions. I tell you why because when you are so passionate and loving it genuinely, you will be tested many times until you decided to give up but always regained back. When you love something, you will have this willingness to learn, to fight, to compromise, to accept criticism, and to understand. But if you are already too confident and feeling you're so smart, then how can you learn, understand and compromise? Well, I'm just saying =)

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