
Friday 12 October 2012

Stress me :p

wow, it's friday again and for the past two days we were having hectic schedules checking things out and I felt too tired now (physically and mentally too). Today, we had two meetings and also did an interview too. Knowing both of us knows this person personality even before talking with her, we just decided to test her right on the spot. I think we have found the right person to fill the Graphic Designer's position but not yet 100% confirmed, but it's around 75%. Other applicants just have this "take/leave me attitudes" which is so not going to work on us. Actually, this kind of attitude attract most of the people the most, but for us, it's a big no :)

We know what she capable of doing but everyone always get nervous at first but i think we can work together, so let's see with the other stuff we have given her. Looking forward to settle things down, as soon as possible if i can! The past two days, we really are fully occupied and often it gets into our nerves, so yeah, fighting here and there but at least it's because we want to get things to look as best as we can give.

Many random thing comes in our mind with 4 exhibitions are coming up for this and next month! We really are that hectic + albums + client photos + feel like just screaming often in time. The worst is that, when I get back home, I tend not to do anything but being lazy and time flies so fast!

So many things we want to buy but we need to cut lots of things as well - find the most useful ones because our needs are too much (expenses are very high). I just checked the Imac desktop I want, it's really pricy too but I know we need to as well and many things to do! OMG, feel like just the LORD gives us "money rains" with unlimited budget because each time we calculate, it feels like a cut in our hand!

look how stress I'm in writing this blog ha-ha-ha-ha! really stress, feel like screaming and want things to settle in a blink of an eye ha-ha-ha! can we?!!

Let's concentrate, oh wait, let's go for a quick nap! goodnight and I hope i wake up tomorrow morning not after an hour or two LOL!

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