
Thursday 11 July 2013

Random Thought : Lessons learnt in 3 hours!

GOD's ways in giving new lessons in life are really surprising; Often you need to learn in the longest and harder way but sometime, it may just in shortest time but very unforgettable. Yes, HE was teaching me something, I'm sure off, a lesson that made me really scared, to open my eyes, to just able to recall  the  "almost three hours" simple lesson! You must be wondering what HE did in just three hours that have changed my life into the better, I pray! I knew it just happened last week, few days back, but until now, I could recalled those moment, felt those moments and pains and felt like I was in total trauma. It is a great lesson HE made me learnt! In those "3 hours", I learnt that :

1. SAVING is a must, even it's just a bit but you just have to save as much as you can! For almost three months we had such big expenditures every month due to the visa making and often in time, when we got the clients' payment, we would just "spent like there's no tomorrow". so what it left on that day is that ' both of us were really starving and we had no extra money for just decent food. We were planning to give all the documents and cook at home but instead, we were stuck in traffic jam for more than 2,5 hours. Our driver had some snacks with him while both of us sat in the back, pampering each other and starving. My tummy was really paining, twisted, the acid started to come in burps and my body was sweating in cold. Okay, we do have money on that time that we could have used but I was thinking twice because the money is supposedly used to pay the agent. Big amount it was! The twisted in my tummy really hurts and I decided to just ignore the paining tummy and decided to sleep even it was hard to sleep but I managed to fall asleep due to the pains. And even until now, I could still felt the pains at that moment and whenever I recalled that, It hurts me a way too much; A trauma it becomes for me. 

What I learnt is really simple thing; we can't live life without backup especially in terms of money. We went through these phases oftenly; yet we still took them so lightly. I remembered last month when I was sick, had no money to go to doctor (thanks to the client(s) who decided to pay on installments)! No backup, no anything but thank you Mom! Couldn't imagine on that time without my mom! We do have money, spent loads for the visa and entertainment and forgot to "save"!! 

Those three hours are horrible, I felt worst than a beggar. We are working hard, get good payment, but where did all the money go? We could spent the client's payment in less than 24 hours whether it was for food, treating people or just for shopping BUT why we never separate those small amounts for savings and business? we talked about it "we have to save, we need to save", but almost 2 years have passed with no single action, and lived in the same situations over and over again. We are working like crazy and we are workaholic but why often in times, we are poorer than those who's working or have monthly salary? Sometimes, we couldn't even had food outside nor had any entertainment for a week or two! thats how poor our money management is! 

The only word, I could say is only THANK YOU LORD! for truly opened my eyes for that unforgettable moment in the car that I could clearly able to feel the exact feelings I felt on that time! Since that time, I promised myself I NEVER want to suffer like that EVER again even by means I've to be MORE STINGY, but I NEED TO HAVE SAVING! I used be a money saver long time back although not much but those money saved me a lot, and now, I'm back on that track, that moment but this time even more strict to myself. Even my mom always said this 'you always said you have no money but you always found money!. 

If you're teenager / worker / business owner, start to save your money from this very moment even the amount isn't much but trust me, that emergency money will be needed. Just make yourself financially safe although you aren't receiving lots of salary but do save at least 10% out of it. It's better to cut your monthly budget and lower your monthly living cost rather than to enjoy your life to the fullest every month but no penny when you're sick or when you are in need! Another that, believe me, as your income is increasing, you'll be upgrading your lifestyle too; regardless it's how big/small the extra money would be. And yes, you can surely be following trends, but there are several days in a month, where you need to be low profile and push yourself to minimize your daily income. It's more like balancing

True, I haven't done any of this yet, but I already have started the saving and I beg to LORD to let me able to keep doing this for the rest of my life - managing my income and do tons of savings! Now, I understand why my mom saved so much since the first day she started working until her retirement. Yes, everyone amazed on how she could had done it, but she did and now I learnt it all. I understood her pains, her stress of spending lots of money and at one moment, you felt like there's a big stone hit your head and you woke up and was like "where the hell all my money had gone?" Then you started to regret "i shouldn't brought this, that, should had saved more, this and that"! 

You will never satisfied yourself fully at least not for a very long time! So for all the money you had spent, it only gives days, weeks, months or maybe less than 5 years satisfaction only. And sometimes, it's only to feed your pride and following trends. it is better to save your money for your passion and future than to waste your money for the sake of pride and be trendy! Do you want to please the society, your surroundings or save the money to fulfill your passion?" Starting from this client, we are going to divide the money for ourselves, our business and the last is our passion for traveling. There are many countries, we want to see and explore together although it may not be those luxurious traveling or backpacking style. Our kinds of traveling is a little different mainly because of me :p!!!  And personally, I also need to start saving too! Now, time to look for cute piggybank and start to do "weekly saving", right? :D!

Remember : Saving money doesn't mean be STINGY! it's more like you need to balance your luxury lifestyle and ordinary lifestyle. It's like in the weekends, you can live life to the fullest but in the weekdays, you may prefer to have an ordinary lifestyle. OR, You can "BUDGETED" your daily/weekly expenses or put money in your wallet and the rest in your bank or well, tell your parents/trusted people to hold them for you. At first, you'll be very stingy in order to start saving, however, after you feel "enough" with your savings, then you can start to life your "preference" lifestyle.

2nd lesson I learnt is when Mr. Gwumpieh said "DON'T WORRY ABOUT MONEY, IT'LL COME" . I'm pretty sure he saw those pains and sadness in my face, how much in pain I was until he said, okay, where you want to eat? we will use the money and don't worry about it, money will come". Truly, hard to believe when he said that; felt like I misheard about it but it amazed me. It's true though, money will come, it have always there, it is just a matter of HOW to get them, how to be their magnet  and how to appreciate them! The first thing you need to do is BE THANKFUL! For what we have lost, we'll be gaining the MORE in the future! If you've lost some amount of money or things which are very expensive, LET THEM GO! It's hard to let stuff you love go but if you have that much power, then believe me, you'll be getting more things even more precious in the future! If someone borrow money from you and you know she/he won't be returning them, LET IT FLOW! Soon, you'll be getting more money than you gave. I've done it many times! Even at times when you're struggling, GIVE away the money to the needy as much as you can but without an expectation and give it away wholeheartedly!! It's "power of giving"!

Money will come, money will come and yes, money is definitely coming to your ways! BELIEVE is an easy way to say but if only believing and having faith when your soul is broken is that easy! How to have faith when the reality hits you badly? The answer is simple; faith is about having a strong and firm believe in things you want without a doubt in getting it. So, play this game in your mind and recalling those feelings when you get what you wanted, when you received the amount of money you need. It is not easy and often I failed but if you failed, keep trying! It's worth your trying!

Those two tips are built for your inner soul but you need to SHOW the world with what you have and LEARN what you can't do or upgrading your skills! Without telling and showing off with what you have, then how'd everyone knows you? Hard-work pays off even it takes years, tears and efforts! If you are in urgent of money, TELL the world about it! Don't be scared to be ditched because you'll see the true colors of your surroundings. You may don't expect them to help you financially, but there's one thing they can do for you, promoting you! Yes, promoting you in whatever you're capable of doing! that's why SHOWING off is very important but not being too cocky and never stop learning. Only because you're good in one thing, it don't mean you're perfect in it; never stop learning is really hard! But it'll be automatically and naturally come into your sense once you've found what you're passionate about. Be a student in life is the right word to describe.

Money always make all of us worried even you're wealthy! money always raises an issue but it's depending who holds the key; is it you or is it the money? Changing your attitudes after money is not an issue is an usual behavior that every human being do! but how much changes or what changes it brings into your life, it depends on two things : your view about the power of money and the society you are with. Living in struggles to get some decent money will either raised the good/bad sides of you. At those struggling moments, you'll say "when I have money, I would ....." and those long thoughts have always be the good ones. But remember this very clearly, there will be time where money is not an issue for you; there will be time where you've money more than you ever imagined and that's the time where you'll be tested. Would you be doing what you have said and promised? But majority, we wouldn't; so we have to be given another lessons to be completely appreciate what we have and what we could had have when we show positive attitudes when we're having it. (it's morning in here and i don't know why I'm continued in writing this one).

I had been living in a situation where money wasn't an issue, where I could had gotten whatever I wanted by just asking my parents. But now, I'm dealing in the situation, where I'm struggling with money, have to think several times to buy things I like/love and the worst, even I've to think few times to eat. My parents have the money, but now, I'm in the term of searching my own money and building the business empire(s) with Mr. Grumpy! I do considerate myself super lucky to be able to experience in two different living styles. As a daughter, I'm living in a good life, but in seeking for life experiences and wanting to be financially independent, then I'm also playing a role as business woman and employee. Yes, I do have so many things in mind on what I'm going to do once I'm (we are) financially settled. Me and Mr. Grumpy knows exactly what we want to do when we become money magnet as in fact both of us have the same views and now, walking together, fighting together and laughing together in reaching our victory and achieving our dreams. We know we'll be getting what we want but on how we'll be getting them or when, it's upon HIM not ours.

At  those depressing moments, we would be really angry to ourself, to GOD, why it takes forever to that road, but well, now, we are preparing ourself as an individual, as a couple for that moment to come; for living in victorious life with good personality!

My tips : don't be a slave for money, but make money becomes your follower! At the starter point, it's you who have to chase money, but it have to be stopped once you've gained your recognition, appreciation and some achievements. Money shall be the solutions not problems. Money must bring joy and togetherness not destroying the relationship; Money must be used wisely for greater good, for future plans and generation not to be wasted for unimportant stuff everyday or used for the wrong doings. Money have to be a blessing for you and your surroundings or even for giving helping hands for the needy not for growing a root of evil and destroying everything. Use them wisely, do some savings (the more the better BUT not being stingy) and give those who're in need not to overuse the power of money because it's value can take yours and someone else's life as easy as snapping your fingers"

Which is why, you need to have the right people by your side so you won't misused them. Money is really powerful, as powerful and harmful as love. At one moment, money brings you happiness but if you use them unwisely it brings your sadness. One moment, you'll be at the top of the chart and without saving, you'll be the lowest. One moment, people will praised and worshipped you but no one there when you fall. But amongst all, put GOD as your # 1 priority NOT money :)

PS : The money came at the same day btw! totally blessed :)

**** Alright! Time to buzz off and trying to sleep again as I woke up early! Hopefully these two lessons I  learnt, would be a good reminder for you too. SHOW the world your talents NOT SHOW OFF your money! For those who had gone thorough those moments shall be a better person and be more blessings to others; while people who're in the same stage as we do, let's keep moving forward; Absorbing the lessons and preparing ourself for the better future :D!  

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