
Thursday 16 August 2012

32 Days Exhibition : Day 3

Today, there's a story that really (seriously) touched my heart so bad. It's made me feel so sad that today's kids have more time to spend with friends than their parents, spent their time on their phones, chatting, taking pictures with friends, themselves BUT not with their family. Yes, I'm not close (that bonding) with my parents but today's kids are getting worst. Although I never raised in a family where spending time together matters yet when I got back home, I still spent a bit of time to talk with mom randomly. Ever since I ran this kids photography business together with Grumpy, I spent less time at home and lesser time to talk when I'm doing exhibition BUT I still did spend 5 - 10 minutes time to greet, to chat and even to just wait until mom finished her food. Dad? well dad is old so mostly he just watched movie nothing else, less attentions to us. And same goes with Grumpy, he still spent some time messaging his brothers and called the family in the morning few times a week.

so, today's lesson : FAMILY TIME is VERY IMPORTANT! There is a family who took picture at our booth and we never met before (usually, there are some clients who coming back :)) So what happened is that the mother is randomly uttered her grudges, in front of me while she was waiting for the photos to be transferred and printed. It's really sad knowing the fact that nowadays, the majority of youngsters grow up not with the parents / family but with technology and friends. The mother said  to me that " It's hard to take a family picture together and the younger one doesn't like his pictures to be taken". But the point is that I guess they do not have lots of family photos together maybe only few or perhaps the one, I took is their first family picture in a month or a year? You know, when we are teenies, I suggest you to spend more time with the family or even do grounded yourself, just waste one of your precious days by just staying at home. Or you know, just come home earlier or go late from home (after lunch time). Believe me, although you get bored, doing nothing but just make sure you are available in one of the weekends. 

Do you know that, just for a quick dinner/lunch time together with your parents are very important. Why? because as your university life starts, follows by the working life, your time to spend with the family is even lesser than ever. After university, continues with work, then continues with marriage life! If you have no time to spend with your family when you are in high school or first year of university, how can you have time to spend with them when you are working and married? 

Don't worry about your phone and friends, they won't go anywhere! Believe me, a lot of time, I wanted to throw my BB away, ignoring everything about work but often I couldn't especially when clients are asking stuff. However, I do ignore those who talk for random chats, I will be giving late answer. Not because I'm busy, but I see as spending time with Grumpy and Parents are often better even for just 10 minutes "non-sense talks". 

I'm proudly say, I'm very happy in living and grown up as someone who was born in the early 80's where technology were not controlling our life nor influenced our life-style. I'm happy to grow up in the environment where "meeting people", "playing with your neighbors", and being active in the evening so we could get the fresh air and saw the beautiful yellow sky at sunset! 

I grew up in the family where both of my parents did not spend enough time for me instead of me did not have time for them. So raised up in the years where I was growing up is such a big advantage both for the parents and myself because in that time, the technology was a part of our life to help us living in better life but in today's world, technology overruled people's life and make them a slave instead of a user :)

This is the lesson I've learnt today and believe me, just spent 1 minute or less to take ONE PHOTO with your whole family every month is very important. And thank you LORD for given us an opportunity to frame her family and give her and family a memory to remember and If only the kids understand how much joy their parents  felt on that time. The best way to make your parents happy is not just seeing you being successful, being in the right path of life but also "spending time" with time preciously even it is just quick ones but it make them feel happy and proud. 

I captured this photo randomly as i found this really cute! Look at the boys and parents. The father could had gone outside; but instead, he stayed and helping the youngest one to choose his toys! While the big bro, is giving his support and his mom is giving him more option in which game to choose. For me, this random photo is very simple, yet, you can feel the family bonding :)

It's really killing me on what to eat everyday since we have long days to go! Grumpy is still fasting, so basically i had to roam around finding what food shall i eat and decided "Fat Burger". I had very less expectation but ended up, in love with their juicy burger and it's such an addiction especially their fries! so I know what am I going to eat tomorrow! I've found a new favorite restaurant and it's called "FAT BURGER" and their wi-fi also awesome ( planning on doing some downloading! maximizing the service LOL)

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