
Monday 31 December 2012

2012 SUPER reviews

So, tomorrow is a new year started and I still couldn't believe that 2012 is over in few hours away.  2012 is so much different in any other year in my life, it's mixed of so many sweet moments rather than the bitter ones. The only words I've for my (our) 2012 is "awesomely beautiful". Of course, there are new people we made friendship with and the old ones that gone by as their dark side are totally shown. I know and I realized on how the amazing LORD has been in protecting me in terms of relationship especially. HE protects me from the people who harmed me (us) and this extra protections made me feel even more great and blessed than ever. True, no one will stays forever in your life, but you know the best ones aren't just going to leave you when their purpose of friendship is true and faithful.  I also did mistakes to bunch of people, perhaps some of my friends got hurt with the words I said or attitudes I shown, but regardless whoever whom I hurt intentionally or unintentionally, I apologized. And for those whom I hurt intentionally, I've no regret of doing so, neither I would ask to be forgiven because I know I won't do so if its not too much to handle for me.  Look, I'm too tired of wasting my time and for the ones who were/ are creating some opportunities from me. My message for each of you is this simple "we're old, let's grown up, be a better friend and I'm glad you're walking from my life / putting distance." As for my other "awesome friends" who have made my 2012 becomes "awesomely beautiful", I (and sam) couldn't be thankful enough for the presences at every moments of ours. The moments when we needed a super support and moments when we felt overdosed by HIS blessings. The moments when we were struggling and our hearts were crying so loudly seeking for HIS MERCY and the moments when we are on the top of the world and know all are going so well. Friends who've reminded us about HIS GRACE and to be patience, I know HE will be giving each of you rewards that money will never buy and that's HIS blessings! Each of you has made us felt that together we can conquer the world and victory is ours to own which is just the true fact about having best people surrounds you! not to just cheer you up but to laugh, to cry, to seek hope and to fight together.

WOW! Our baby also have turned ONE year old, entering the toddler year now. I remembered the first time we started our exhibition or whatever you're going to call it. We introduced our brand to this school by doing a Christmas Photo-Booth with Santa. There, we started our journey with nothing much to offer but very confident in what we were doing. We were just lost parents but never gave up! Then, the roads are slowly being opened, being shown, until where we are today. We were given the chance to do couple of exhibition at the same place with so much experiences we got. I didn't know how it all happened but, HIS timing have always been perfect. Now, we are getting our presents from the tears, worries, disappointments and struggles we went through. The struggles aren't about in "getting clients" but also with our relationship. It's a different relationship when both of us working and running the same business. Often, tensions at work comes in between, we got angry because of work not because of relationship or vice-versa. Quite take sometime to adjust but slowly, we adapted with the situation and be professional when it has to do with work. We put a line in between who do what and try to keep ourselves in that limit. But once again, its worth it, it paid off and now, our work is getting its recognition faster than we thought. Often, when we talk with strangers, they were like "oh, i know that company. I've heard..."  and clients are referring our baby to their community which is a heaven's blessed. So yeah those quarrels, silly arguments, and less time for dating have made our baby growing properly :)

In this awesome year, our work is also getting its recognition even though not yet at the top but we are climbing and getting people trust. We did couple of massive exhibitions at the same place with bitter sweet experiences but those were worth it at the end. Especially, the last few months, we were super blessed, the works are keeping us busy everyday until we didn't even have time for ourselves, friends or family too. We kept the entertainment life aside for quite long time because you just couldn't ditched your clients. Often, we got a very last minute deals so basically, we always said NO to going out in the weekend.

ONE thing we kept continuously doing in 2012 was that "keeping up the romance in hectic schedules". So in every 3rd of the month, we celebrated our anniversary and lately for the past few months, we had work to do on that day. But no matter how tiring the work or how busy it was (even one of us may forgotten but never both of us), we spared some precious hours together even by means it was just quick lunch/dinner or sometimes movie + lunch; barely one-full-day. Of course, it's a deal we made that no matter how hectic our schedule will be in the future, we have to take few hours OFF on that day for a quick date. I know (we know), you never can balance romance and work but with little efforts from each other by abandoned work for few hours, will make it balance. When you're running the business together, often in time, we bring personal issues to work but as time goes by, we learnt and are keep trying to keep aside and prioritize work. And I like to make "MONDAY" as our official holiday but it barely became holiday for us but of course we are happier to be occupied with tons of works then doing an art-of-nothing.

An awesome year it have been for us, 2012 had its awesome highlighted moments for us. Moments when we cried and felt like giving up! Moments where trust became such big issue and creating awareness reached its end. Moments where we thought and saw with our own eyes that we were stuck but HE opened those tiny roads for us. But 2012 became the remarkable year where the most important thing we learnt is to SURRENDER in HIS PLANS completely. As for me, each disappointment moment that were happened, happens because I lack trust unto myself, my faith and the most in HIM. But Grumpy never failed me to bringing back my faith, made me regaining my strength and made each and every pieces of my broken dreams became alive again. I forgot where did I read but the whole thing is that "in order to be successful, you need to make your own circle of people to make it happen". and in my case, I've found my partner. We are very different individuals whether the way we think, we perceives and attitudes but these differences which often made us had big arguments didn't make us getting weaker. Instead they have made us stronger and covering each other weaknesses. Thank you Grumpy for making me better, better and stronger lady. Doing business with differences are tough but tough is just a word to describe when you aren't able to compromise. It takes long time to compromise, to understand why he behaves like this/that, but once you understand the messages they want to pass to you, you will just be grateful to have them as your partner :-)

Thank you LORD JESUS for made me realize that YOU are amazing and how blessed I'm. THANK YOU for granted my biggest wishes, the wishes my heart longing for. Thank you for surrounded me with the best people even the numbers of them aren't huge but the little community which I built have been my best cheerleaders. Thank you for every clients YOU had given to us whether they love or dislike our works but thanks to YOU, the majority loves it. Thank YOU for made me appreciate everything YOU've given to me and I'm so sorry for unable to spend as much time as I should have, praising and singing for YOUR GLORY.

LORD JESUS, YOU are amazing, glorious and gracious. Those who have seen me for long understands how much YOU love me and blessed me with YOUR mercy. Thank you for making my parents healthy, lucky and wealthy too. Thank you for giving me, Mr. Grumpy to protect and making me better person. Thank you for the friends who've stayed throughout the whole amazing year and I forgive those who hurt me intentionally or not, as I asked to be forgiven by YOU :)

LIFE has always been great when I surrender in YOU! Thank you LORD for making my 2013 wishes granted even before I know when precisely it will, but I know YOU will. And as a person, I want to be able to control my anger, become wiser and more mature in terms of well acting more cool in front of new people :p! "attitudes" have to be shown more cool and mature. One thing I really want to control and that's my horrible short-temper but apart from that I love my stubborn thinking :p!!

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