
Tuesday 11 September 2012

Mr. Grumpy's Birthday!

To Mr. Grumpy,

 Hello birthday boy, today is the official date for you of getting one year older and it's a blessing from HIM. I, as your Mrs. Grumpy give all my best prayers to you so that the ALMIGHTY gives all the best things in life for you. I'm sorry I can't give you any gift yet, knowing exhibition occupies us and it would be so obvious if I prepare presents for you knowing I couldn't go anywhere to look for it too :p! Anyway, I wish you the happiest, wealthiest, and healthiest in the new age of yours and i love you!

So as a big percentage of people is mourning due to the WTC's tragedy, my handsome Mr. Grumpy celebrates his new age with so much joy in his happy face and attitudes. I did not do anything on his birthday except, give my whole best prayer and wishes for his new age :-) So much I wanted to do but due to my driver (thanks to him) who didn't come yesterday, I had to change everything and last minute is impossible. Anyway, I did make a little surprise for him at the end. Before we opened the booth and officially start our exhibition, we started this lovely and precious day with a new picture and quick ritual for breakfast at Starbuck : coffee and doughnuts  

Unfortunately, we couldn't had lunch together since only both of us took care of the booth. But we did manage to have dinner together and it was extremely lovely. We decided to eat that "By the Beach restaurant at EX but did not expect to actually overjoyed with the food we ordered which was not seafood. The place is so romantic and in some places, it's set as private. I forgot the drink I order but it was pineapple tea with mint ( love it ) while Grumpy ordered watermelon and a glass of wine for his new age celebration. 

We did not take a lot of photos in here, as we were overjoyed with the food and kept praising them. Both of us were too full and it was totally relaxing but sweet date and we were so proud to choose the right place. Shared some laughters, shared the wine (although it sucks), and you know it's really lovely date and I know he overjoyed too :-) 

Time flew so fast that we had to rush in finding a cake for my mom as tomorrow is her birthday. we roamed around Grand Indonesia but did not find the ones we wanted - ended up brought Awfully Chocolate! And Grumpy did not know that I also buy him a slice of cake for formality. I knew he won't be eating the whole round by himself neither he is a big fan of cake, so I brought the white chocolate cake slice for a formality so we have a birthday cake and he blow the candle to make a wish. So right after , I dropped him in the apartment, I went back after 10 minutes with a cake with my hand and I can tell by his face, he was shocked and totally did not expect LOL! Anyway, this the least I can do knowing the hectic schedule we have nowadays.

I am sorry Grumpy, there is nothing much I can do but I know what I will be getting for you and I know I will. When there's a will, there's a way, right and I know you had a good time with me together and that simple dinner date is enough. The same goes with me, it is not the present, I'm after, but it's the togetherness, the precious moment we have together.

This is what I wrote in my Facebook's status : "Expensive dining makes our pocket broke, but exclusive moment creates priceless memory", hope you had a great day on your birthday Mr. Gwumpieh!  So if you are wondering on what to give to your better-half, my answer is creates a PRICELESS memory. Birthday is not all about gifts, presents, congratulates, but it is all about " the feeling of being loved and the other indescribable and intangible thing called memory". Your present is coming soon ;-)

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