
Saturday 29 September 2012

Kids Photography : Hiero 1st Birthday Party

Look how handsome little Hiero is! okay, at first and all the time while we were at his birthday party, we thought his name is " Hero". I mean we didn't realize it's Hiero since people kept calling "hero, hero" or maybe we missed out the " i "  What an awesome impression I have for his birthday party. First, i love whenever the birthday party is celebrated at home and second, when the kid is so friendly and love to be photographed ( love to smile and pose for me :p) For me, taking the 1st birthday picture at home has its own feeling ; the homey feeling, the warmth feeling and you know this kind of "homey feeling" is what make the birthday boy feels much more comfortable knowing they are feeling more safe to roam around. Kid is easy to adapt but often in time, but from what I see and experienced home is the best place as the celebration of their 1st birthday party. 

What a hectic saturday it's for us where we have double shift for photo-shoot and this is our first experienced to do two photo-shoot at once and we are loving it! It was racing our adrenaline as well as maintaining ourself to keep producing great photos. In the morning, we captured the handsome little boy and in the evening, we were fully occupied with photo-booth.

Here are the photos from Hiero's 1st birthday and a lot of photos have been uploaded at our photography page - Lil' Sunshine Photography . There are around 38 photos uploaded already but I'm still giving the teaser in the blog anyway ha-ha-ha-ha!

I love on how expressive the whole family are and I can't wait to post more of their photos as well as checking the photos I took! I still have not yet chosen any photo, knowing that tomorrow we need to capture another birthday party. The photo-booth occupied all of us so badly that I had my dinner in full big empty plate, bigger and more than the other crew ha-ha-ha-ha! Me & Grumpy was so starving and we hadn't had anything from 10.30am - 10pm, so you know! 12 hours for not eating and less of drinking too ha-ha-ha-ha!

Admitted, you love these sneak peek, right?

Monday 24 September 2012

Kids Photography : The Charming Russell - Newborn

 September is almost end and I started my awesome monday with photo-shoot (also ended my weekend with photo-shoot too so I'm uberly excited). Introducing you, this charming boy name Russell, the first baby in Yosephine and Erwin's family and the first grandchildren for their parents too. He is so much pampered, loved, adored and totally being taken care with extra (triple) not just by his parents, his grandpa & grandma, but from his great grandma and aunties too. When we went to their house for his photo shoot , 2 of his aunties came already, so you know how much he is loved.  

This is the first time for me and grumpy ( Lil' Sunshine Photography) to experience and given a trust to capture newborn baby as we never did it before. Beyond our expectation, we did an ace for a beginner and thank you so much for his grandma and mom who were kept helping us to pose him. It was quick photo-shoot but we love the photos. Here are the sneak peek, from my camera and I was using Sony Nex-7 for this photo-shoot! 
We have uploaded more photos of him at our page though : Russells, the charming boy  or go to your Facebook and find Lil Sunshine Photography . And like usual, we managed to make this client's home-based photo shoot as if it was all taken in studio (check the album for more studio-look-alike-photos) And amongst the photos i shot, this one is my favorite, somehow, it makes my heart melt :D!

Sunday 23 September 2012

Personal Photography : STUDY time!

Okay! Today, I'm quite proud of my innocent face that made people seriously believe that I'm really innocent. Congratulation for Mr. Grumpy whom for the first time went into photography workshop and today's topic is "street hunting photography". Of course I came along but like usual, I'm not bringing the SLR camera. Seriously, I want to master my NEX-7 & I still have bunch of problems with moving subject but getting better and better of course and so does in focusing. Both of us woke up early in the morning around 7.30'ish ( Grumpy was overjoyed while I'm still sleepy but wanted to hunt too - curiosity :p) and the meeting was at the photographer cafe at Kota Tua at 9'ish. The mentor came late and  we were waiting for the other photographers for almost an hour. But the funny thing is that, the other participants were actually already behind of us waiting for the mentor as well LOL! So we wasted for almost an hour for nothing basically! 3 women (4 included me) and 2 men, small group but I guess that is where the learning became effective and the mentor's attentions won't be that diverted anyway.

What an experience I had today (amazing one I'm telling you) as we started the photo-hunting by took a train at Station Kota ( old city's station) to Jayakarta! oh boy, this is my first experience ever of using train in Jakarta and surprisingly it made me feel like I'm using an old train in Sydney and it's not that bad anyway or maybe because today is sunday and people tends to just being couch potato :D! And the topic of "Street hunting" is merely not taking picture of human interest but more into understanding the B&W concept as well as panning which is good i think! He also taught about balancing black & white images and told everyone to shot at Monochrome. 

Btw, I wasn't really participating in the workshop more like roaming around accompanied Mr. Grumpy in case he didn't understand or have trouble with translation, so you know just became his secretary. But I did shot Black & White photos with my Sony and gosh, I'm loving my mini cooper, NEX-7!, ♥ so much! I listened to what the mentor said, tried to follow my best with my dearest baby but I expected nothing though! I just saw what they were doing and tried to understand it so you know basically, I was just taking the photos in B & W mode but for no purpose! took photos of whichever pleased my eyes :p!

And done at this place, we continued to take the photos at the Old Station which I decided to just sit and be a good girl. I was a bit hungry ( very :p) and they spent around an hour or so, took the same photos kind of concept and I wonder what made them stay that long. Even I saw Mr. Grumpy on his finest position for photo shoot for long, i wonder shouldn't he changed the angle? LOL! And I actually enjoyed the art of doing nothing, because I saw Grumpy's happy and curious face but I'm more into wondering what on earth were they doing or tried to achieve :p!!
WAIT! while they were busy, the kids who were waiting for their train occupied me fully and GOD bless each of them. They are so much in love with me taking their photos and yes, all of them keep posing for me and told me to capture their photos! It happened at the station as well as in the train. I guess, I'm just meant to be Kids' photographer as there's something about me and my aura which attract them! Seriously speaking, kid loves to play with mr. Grumpy BUT not with me! With me, all they wanted is just pose, pose, and pose but NOT playing!! 

DONE! These are the photos I took from the workshop, unedited not even slight retouched, totally pure. Quite proud but there are just still more experiences of using NEX-7 especially with moving subject! well, let;s hearsay yours comment about these photos :-)

Alright for today's lesson, i learn that we should never STOP learning when we know what we love and would like to do for living. No matter how famous your business are, learning from others are mandatory. Some may not good in sharing their experiences but  you must share yours. I do share my experiences and help them with tips even whether it's about photography or other important stuff they need an option off. Although I'm not into the workshop but I also got my lesson somehow, i learnt about B&W composition and also learnt about my Sony's even more.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Personal Photography : Saturday Motor Show

OMG! this is like the whatever number of day that I have been craving on watching BARFI! again and yes, the movie is really made you want to watch it again and again. The simplicity, the love story, and the songs are just a way too catchy and touchy! And I just read that the movie is nominated for Oscar's in February and hope it gets into the top 5 favorite ones! I did not know how many people cried while watching it but I knew it touches everyone's heart :-)

Time really flies a way too quick and it's saturday again. We were planning on going for photo-hunt today but my photography's friend couldn't make it, so plan got canceled. Thank GOD, my best friend asked us to go for Indonesia motor show and we never been so why not! I have always wanted to go but there was always reason in the past but glad we did today. The Motor show lasts for 10 days i think and ends 30th September. I thought it would be very hectic but it wasn't that much crowded, it was but it was just not overloaded - i could still handle the situation. Actually, I'm phobia at really crowded and stuffy place and I forgot what this phobia called.

Stupid me! that was the first word came in my head when I saw this new toyota sport car, 86! Instead of bringing 24-55mm, I attached the fixed ones, 50mm - a horrible choice it was. And after I saw the photos, I really am very disappointed as I could had taken more awesome photos if only i used a proper lens! Anyway, at first we were wondering where are Benz, Audi, BMW, and others branded ones, but thank GOD we went out and went to the other hall where the cars are all just heaven for us.

Mini coopers, BMW, Benz, Chevrolet, Dodge and several sexy cars are at the 2nd Hall - Hall B! Goodness us, those cars really are taking our breath away. At the first Hall, we didn't spend the time as long as we spent in here. At the 2nd hall, we were more than just admiring but really felt that some of the cars are just meant to be ours ha-ha-ha-ha (Aamiin)  Also, we were all roaming around looking for Tata Motors. Tata is just recently entered Indonesia and I'm quite eager to see but sad that safari and scorpio isn't there - oh dear! but we had fun at their booth by taking stupid poses with Nano car for the competition :D!

Mr. Grumpy and my best friend, Suresh, are so much in ♥ with Audi cars - more like they got hypnotized while I'm still deeply in love with Captiva and Benz! I love that blue Mini cooper only because the blue is just too beautiful ha-ha-ha-ha *girl :p* And thanks to Benz who made me smile so wide E 300 rocks! I roamed around looking at other benz but that wasn't until I saw the number 300 and I put a very (totally very) big smile on my face, like I've found my missing piece. I kept looking, kept admiring and spent a few moment to sit inside the car and felt like it's just MINE! No other car could made me like this after Captiva of course. Chevrolet released a new car and they just put it in the range with Fortuner. At first, it's really wow, but after I look at my beautiful sexy white captive next to it, I just forget!! Yes I'm in love with the white Captiva and I'm so gonna have them very soon.

What an awesome Saturday I have today and this Barfi! songs are my companion while working! oh yeah, these are some photos I managed to capture. Sad hey that I couldn't capture a lot because people were roaming around and knowing I chose the wrong lens, then i had to capture from far distance and you just well :'( #sad but overjoyed he-he-he-he! Have Fun!