
Saturday 28 December 2013

My Christmas!

Ho-Ho-Ho! Rejoice everyone, Christmas has arrived and all of us were so excited for the food fiesta. We also had early Christmas dinner few days back and today, we also had another food fiesta at Tania's house. I hope and I pray, next year, I can host this christmas party at our house. Lately, I'm not in the mood of using my sony especially when it's indoor; I'm tired of the ISO and the yellowish images. Although, I changed the settings, yet their yellow colors are quite dominant. Sometimes, I feel like buying new digital camera but I haven't found the good ones. Eh? Why the christmas topic goes out of line? LOL!

We had a great christmas celebration with super happy tummy especially me from morning - night but the traffic after lunch time is more than just horrible. It took for more than 3 hours to Central Park where  supposedly, it only take 45 minutes (with traffic). It was such a disaster and gosh, i had no idea where I got my strength to drive for that long when I didn't even sleep at night. I stayed awake until 7.30am that later had two hours quick nap before feeding my tummy with yummy food.

My Christmas food fiesta started at 6.30am when my mom asked me to drive her to the street market nearby and continued with having early breakfast! Having noodles as breakfast is a normal thing in here especially for the chinese people; Basically, indonesian eats heavy food for breakfast. I told mom, their noodle is good and glad she likes it! I love the taste of their clear soup!

Here we go.... the delicious food festival that made me felt like it's christmas time! Thank you tania and her awesome family who made delicious food! Both of us (well, I'm sure everyone) really love the food   and the desert too! 


And random few photos from our pre-christmas dinner 


Thursday 26 December 2013

Movie Review : 47 Ronin

We LOVE it! Mr. Gwumpieh didn't expect the movie to be this good, but well, as I saw the reviews from my friends and from IMDB, I won't mind to watch! This maybe my most favorite film of Keanu and gosh, If only, he was the one who did the Last Samurai, how awesome would the movie even be.

Ronin is samurai without a master so does that clear out the whole story? Basically, their master is killed due to one who wanted to take the empire and he was being poisoned by a witch. And these 46 Ronin and that later the outsider is fully considered as a Ronin, did a rebellion one year before their master's daughter wedding. The story is obviously predictable from the first 15 minutes or less, but it's the making of the movie that made it great.

The beautiful sceneries of Japan that we haven't seen or barely seen yet which I thought it's much more beautiful than the Hobbit's settings. Then the ways the movie is directed and narrated is just flawless. The actions are pretty good, just as how I wanted them to be although it could have been added a little more cruelty as you know how fearless samurai's were. But everything is just balanced and it's entertaining enough. It gets you excited and wants to see the fighting scenes more and deeper. 

IMDB rated as 7/10, but I truly enjoyed the movie and won't be mind to watch it again; so I give it 8.5/10. At one moment, you would be distracted by the fights, but the sceneries made you just wanted to go there right at that moment; it's beautifully done. It's been a while since I watched a good action movie especially throughout 2013! So 47 Ronin will be one of my 2013 action's movie favorites.

Monday 23 December 2013

Movie Review : Dhoom 3

Oups! I forgot to post this movie review after we watched it. Basically, this movie is kind of like, a way too different than how the previous Dhoom movies have been portrayed. Dhoom 3 is focused entirely toward the life of the famous circus's son(s), Sahir, who's Aamir Khan. The story is revolved him, his life, his life's ambitions and destructive plans. It's very entertaining especially when the chasing begun, but doesn't everyone want a lot more of the chasing scenes rather than the story telling about the character's personal life? We are watching Dhoom because we love those moments where the bikers are showing off their talents, just like how Fast & Furious is. At least that's why I watched Dhoom.

Aamir khan's performances is really awesome at least I like him in here and Ghajini a lot. The character fits him perfectly and his outfits are just perfect! But other that, the movie is just a way too ordinary than the others two. The movie is definitely one man show and the cinematography is really good; some scenes are being too exaggerated and Aamir's tap dance is just will be leaving you speechless! 

There's this article about the review which I, totally agree with from India Today . I'll be giving 7.5/10 for it's entertainment, for awesome performance of Aamir Khan but for story line is very weak. It would had been totally flopped if it hadn't been because of Aamir. Weak story, limited actions and as in fact  the police roles in here are shown as very dumb people. It would just be great, if the actions are fully loaded and please don't spoilt the beauty of the story after "intermezzo", it's just you know ufff. I don't say it's crap, but It's an entertaining action movie with an awesome performance of Aamir and BMW Bike that make you just craving for owning it! Even Batman's Bike is seemed crap ha-ha-ha!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Quick Gateway : Hongkong - DAY 1


DAY 1 - Super Good Morning Hong Kong! We took midnight flight from Jakarta and arrived in Hong Kong at 4.30 or 5 am. I went to Hong Kong several times and to be honest, I never had an awesome experience at Hong Kong. I never really like this country but the feeling is dramatically changed right after I saw these beautiful views. Usually, I went with my mom and her family with tour and as you know went with the tours and oldies had different feelings. My mom and her sisters love to travel but the ways their traveling styles are kind of luxury in a way. So basically, this is my real first time to experience Hong Kong and with Mr. Grumpy too.

Hong Kong as I recalled, is a very hectic city and people were rushing all the times. It still does until now except a lot better.We can't wait to go back again together to explore Hong Kong more. There are still so many places we haven't been and well, next time we come, we should stay for ten days because six days weren't enough. Anyway, here is the random photos to somehow sum up on how Hong Kong's morning rituals are. As you know shop opens at above 11am, and walking in Hong Kong in the morning is just so refreshing; felt like I was in Australia for a while! miss sydney!

Yes, we do eat Indian food at everywhere and whichever country (or city) we go or will be going. Often in countries like Hong Kong, it's rather a bit hard to find Halal food, so Indian food is just an easy way to full your tummy for the first few days :D! We got shocked by the total we had to pay in this small restaurant at the building i forgot their name (but I know the way). But hey, later we discovered, how cheap their food are and especially the big quantities they give! It's been just forever since I had yummy Hyderabadi Biriyani; couldn't find the tasty ones in Jakarta!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

My 2013 Review!

ONE word to sum up 2013 : OUTRAGEOUS!

For a second, I was thinking "what did I write about my 2012" and when I read my own writing, I knew, 2013 is the most adventurous journey throughout our whole life. It was like one of the most highlighted journey for us as an individual and together as a couple. It was more than just the wealth but we were physically not well and emotionally unstable. When we believe and were confident that in 2013 we could achieved our dreams; in the blink of our eyes, everything got broken and just fallen into pieces. It was like suddenly the heavy raining came with thunders out of no where when the sky was blue few minutes ago and we were unarmored.

We thought the storms just came and go after a while, but it stayed very long and thunders all the time; how we missed those beautiful sunny days and yet, the sky was still as black as it was for months. Those bitter moments made ourselves as an individual so weak but as a couple we are growing. It's such a cliche but now, reaching the end of the year, these rough times have made us completely new individuals and stronger team players.

But you know, GOD did not give so much hurdles this year for nothing, didn't HE? The precious lessons we have learnt, couldn't just be wasted or useless! We have grabbed the essences of each trial and in other way of saying for what may come and things HE have prepared for us in 2014, HE have prepared us for those. For more than 10 months, we were built, we were tested and yes, we still made us together too. To still clinging into each other and passed through these together is just the biggest blessing of 2013. How can you be a great successful person (or team player), if you don't know how to make priorities in life and how to be mentally prepared for it? 

Yes, we cried, we were lost, felt like gave up in everything especially me. But on the other hand, we also have learnt on how to press our needs strongly, compromised with our wants, lowered down our high pride and controlled our egos. Compared to 2012, these bitter experiences have slapped us directly to our face and at the same time, it broke our heart and shattered our dreams!

The happiest moments in 2013 is when we went for quick gateway to Hong Kong. Even my 2013 birthday was kind of like not as how I expected and neither I felt like it was a birthday too. Every important events just happened to lose their best parts, but hey it's over now; a new year is coming in couple of weeks.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " That's how I want to sum up my 2013 year. HE prepared us for something greater, the lessons we learnt will be helping us a lot to prosper our future. Somehow, there's this voice inside of me that say "the journey we went through this year are worth it" although we spent most of our days with so much stress and our faces show it all. The hidden sorrows can be seen in our eyes but at the same time, we also tried our best to pass through the dark days by being simply happy and carefree! It did work when we were together, but when we got back home, all those stuff just came out. Our healths weren't in good conditions neither; especially me. But hey, I made it through too. 

Let 2014, be the year for us to roar louder than ever, every segments in our life will be settled awesomely, making our dreams come true and living happily with less stress and full of happiness in our daily life. Both of us have the same vision in life, shared the same ambitions although with different dreams but with the lessons we have learned in 2013, we are now officially ready to manage things in a lot better and to compromise the needs & wants.We are looking forward to live in a life where work occupies our daily life, with less of entertainment, full concentration towards work but still able to steal some precious time to spend moments together for traveling and celebrates the important dates! In other word, of saying, we are ready to enter the world of being wealthy, successful, healthy and happy

As for myself, I haven't written any resolutions for 2014, but I will be trying my best to write more, to beat my laziness away, to appreciate time and to start keeping memory of my daily life. I want to travel to places we are craving to go together for work and holiday! Do more things that make me happy or at least not to get myself into stress too much, need to start shaping myself (being healthy), and to have more positive attitudes toward HIS plans. OH wait, I've just written my resolutions ha-ha-ha-ha!  

Monday 9 December 2013

my Bundle of Joy

It's been forever since I uploaded their pictures. About a month ago, I added a new member of the family and her name is Dahlia. Dahlia, the smallest amongst them is an explorer and very active little fish. She strives to be like them, acts like them and really doesn't want to be left out by them. But well, the biggest ones, Clyde, has always bullied her a lot. Dahlia's color is still fading and her skins don't look pretty at all, very pale yellow but I know, she'll be growing as a beautiful golden fish.

These four are my bundle of joy and by just seeing how silly they are, would made me feel better. They love to be photographed and all of them should be awarded as the most narcissist golden fishes on earth especially Clyde! And guess what? I'm documenting their life every month and these photos are taken in December. I'm sure you are going to love them :)

See how adorable they are? And look at Dahlia, she is really wanting to be just like them, to be a part of them and to just be as big as them. She's too adorable but they love to bully her :D!