
Friday 11 January 2013

Quick Gateway III : BROMO's OMG Trip ( DAY 1)

YES! Finally, our most awaiting and first holiday in the year came and we were just uber excited. It was only weekend trips, unplanned and fully unprepared too and that what made this 3 days holiday is totally adventurous. All we ever knew just our flights and the rest, we surrendered each and everything to our friend whois such a great traveler, Rini. This time, it wasn't The Grumpy's only but Ika came along all the way from Singapore. The truth, I never even been to Surabaya nor Bromo throughout my entire life, so yeah, saw Rini's awesome landscape photos of Bromo made me (us) wanted to see its beauty with our own eyes! Mount Bromo is located in East Java and it's an active volcano!  Go and search at Mr. Google because how beautiful they are. We took an early flight from Jakarta to Surabaya around 7.40am and arrived around 9.30am then waiting for Ika to come around 12-ish. Thanks to UNO cards which I brought that kept me and Rini entertained for a while. So the main plan is to minimize the cost as much as we can and I told Rini to do backpacker style but well, at the end of the day, it was semi-backpacker ha-ha-ha!

We were supposed to use Bus to go to Pujasera Terminal, the main bus terminal to go to Bromo. Since Ika's plane got delayed for almost an hour and we also ran out of time to catch the bus, we decided to use Taxi. From Surabaya - Pujasera took around 1.5 hours since there wasn't no traffic at all but since all of us were starving we decided to eat at the driver's favorite place. Our taxi driver is quite friendly. So this tiny restaurant (not too clean) is super cheap with good food and drink! Ignored the place but the food and drink is really great. I had "Nasi Pecel" - rice with vegetables in peanut sauce and it's delicious. I didn't expect the food to be that good and so did the drink, Orange Milk which I finished two glasses of them :D!

Overloaded with food made us super sleepy but me and Ika decided to just go for gossiping ha-ha-ha! Anyway, at the bus station, we had to wait for quite long (well it may not long but it felt like so) until that mini-bus is fully loaded. The driver and agent expected 15 people to be squeezed in that small mini-bus or else we had to pay a lot more. Unfortunately, we only had 9 people and we had to pay extra! Supposedly it's 25,000 IDR but then with less number of people, we had to negotiate and ended with 40,000 IDR each! I regretted though because the taxi offers another 250,000 until reached Bromo which was a great deal. But anyway, an experience we had. Somehow, I had fun on the way up, seeing the beautiful views all the way up! Oh yeah, as we go up, the weather is also getting colder and super windy since the driver drove the car really fast! It felt like roller coaster ride but totally enjoyed it especially holding Grumpy's hands, windy and chill weather and beautiful nature, made the journey extra romantic.

We arrived at the village nearby Bromo around 5.30'ish and we were just too messy but need to find place to sleep in. Since its unplanned so we just picked this place called "Setia Kawan" and as a non-backpacker, it just well, yeah! The bed is alright although I'm not sure when did the last time they ever cleaned up but their loo is unacceptable and FYI, no hot water so be freeze. At least for the place they offered for a night 125,000IDR, me and grumpy didn't find it worth it. But the view they have are great! anyway, couldn't think much except counting hours until we go to Bromo. We had food nearby the hotel of course and they only offered fried rice / noodles which I always chose noodles anyway! But then, finding an expensive hotel for half night is also not worth it too so well somehow it was a right option. None of us were able to sleep, too eager to see the beauty and at night, the weather is super cold. 

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