
Sunday 24 February 2013

Awesome Sunday

I don't know what I was doing the whole night after finished our work, but gosh, its 2.30 am already now. But I gotta admitted my Sunday was such really delicious as I had yummy food the whole time. Thank YOU LORD for delicious Sunday and my tummy is just happily served. Woke up in the morning with not so happy mood or more like "losing myself at dreamy's world" but ended the day with "i had such a great food and great quick nap" ha-ha-ha! 

This birthday party we captured today served the best food, seriously yummy! Their pasta Bolognese is how I like them to be made then followed with so yummy Salmon Puff and Steak! I'm pretty confident for whatever important occasion(s), we would be having, we would love to use this catering to serve our client's tummy! I didn't try the other menu but not much Indonesian catering can make a yummy western food for sure! Then, afterwards, we continued to visit our client's house for the project review and she served another yummy food! she made a very crispy and delicious fish cake, fresh chrysanthemum tea, good Padang food, and cookies too! How not happy my tummy is? great food enlighten my day like always. Thank you so much for the appreciation and GOD Bless each of you abundantly :)

Another thing I'm very thankful about this Sunday is being given so much tips for business. And even ourselves couldn't wait to take that ONE WEEK off to upgrade ourself into better. I mean, there are just  lots of things we need to change based on our own evaluations. And i know it doesn't take a day or two to just get things done especially when we want not just to be better but to be excellent too. It takes so much efforts for the new beginning to achieve our 2013's vision.

Nothing much to talk about my weekends but I'm very thankful the precious time. I miss those moments where weekends are so fully occupied with works that even we had to do "double" shift but I guess that time is so near. Hectic working schedules with everyday photo-shoots apart from Monday as I always include as my holiday is what I (we) love to be doing #Aamin.

And oh! in this Sunday, I skipped my work too! I'm quite lazy to do some work so decided to just watching this Chinese movie series called " Chinese Detective" and I finished it. Got back home, fallen asleep so nicely and then woke up lost in my own world, not sure what to do :p!

February Obituaries

Your happiest day is someone else's worst nightmare. The day where you were being so thankful and needed the amazing LORD in your life is the day where some people's felt the pains HE gives through the heaviest test in their life.

In this February, I went to obituary twice but those Sunday and Wednesday were such happy days for me but not for my friend and my family from dad's side. My happiest days were some families nightmares and how could I hid my happiness from those people when you could see how happy my face was.

I remembered that Sunday when my friend's mom died instantly, I had a very late sleep (4am) but somehow, I woke up after 4 hours and suddenly I wrote this on my FB status " I need GOD in every moment in my daily life even when I'm sleeping. I need HIM to guide, protect and calm me; even when I'm having a quick nap, I want HIM to give me peace. I need HIM even when I've my food so I can enjoy the food HE gives me even it may not delicious. I need HIS blessings every morning so my day will ended with tons of happiness and appreciations. I need HIM, HIS Blessings, HIS Grace because when I live life according to HIM and surrender in HIS plans, I'm living in Glorious Life" 

Had no idea why I wanted to write that but I felt so, then I was just busy continuing my works until I took a quick look at my BB and read one of friend's status " Be Strong Ven" and I wonder what went wrong. Venny's mom passed away just like that without a sign or anything. She went to church in the morning and felt a pain so went back home and goodbye. wow! I heard the story and my eyes gone weary, how shocking it must had been for her family even it shook me too. I didn't know how it felt for Venny and her brother and sister but I understood if they became bizarre. And there was I, saw what happened to me few years back happened to Venny but of course, I knew how to overcome those. The truth, I didn't know what GOD wanted to tell me, to make me see many things on that day but this time, i felt so much better. I felt like lucky and blessed that I'm healed and while I was helping other to heal, there was Mr. Grumpy waiting outside for me even he was so bored. He has always made me feel thankful so much about life!

And a week after Chinese New Year, in the 17th, we had to bid goodbye to my uncle who happened to be my dad's nephew. When he came to my house (since my dad is the oldest), he was so different than the last time I saw (like few months before). He became so skinny, unable to walk and talk properly. I had no idea why, but somehow I knew, he would passed away. The truth, it was really weird for me to see his daughters came from Australia RANDOMLY! They never came back for several years neither came to my house for Chinese New Year celebration but this time they did. And when I saw them, I knew, this is such a weird chinese new year but I ignored. They only came for a week or less and 2 days after they arrived in Australia, their father died. I wasn't his favorite nephew neither we had lots of talks (ever) except Hi, Bye, How are you but without any strong bond, I knew he would begone soon.

Monday morning, mom told me about the bad news but it didn't surprise me at all as if I knew it would happened. But his two daughters were still shocked, disbelief in what my aunty and uncle told them. One thing I said that I never forget few years back when he was 60 (or 61) where I predicted stuff. I said to one of my aunty who asked me to predict my uncle and I said "He won't live that long. If he could made it 65 then he was lucky" and he did make it pass 65 but died when he was 66! so I guess, my prediction wasn't that bad and I will never forget that. NO I didn't curse him, it was just i saw through him and my heart said so and I told what I felt. Yes, yes, I used to predict bunch of things and they happened but the past 2 years I quit them and living life by surrendering in LORD JESUS has been amazing and make me feel so blessed.

My parents, especially my dad, i wish he understood on how much he is so blessed by HIM. Often he said "I want to die, I want to die" instead of being thankful as he's a lot healthier than ever. I know he was really sad knowing he is officially 84 now and his nephew died at the age of 66. My dad is stronger, happier and look a lot younger than two of his nephews. and I'm really thankful to the LORD for that, to give him healthier body although I wish he can be more active so his whole organ won't be rusty LOL! while for mom, she is really super blessed, very healthy and mentally strong for her age even she's very short-temper (like me), over protective (as I'm the only child), and can't be my best friend. But I know she is a great woman! who have done more than I ever imagined, fought for her beliefs and although quite snobby but she has a good heart. She is very stubborn and hard to compromise but despite of that, she's a very smart lady and I pray and hope, very soon, we will be her provider and giving her happiness more than she believes she deserves. I pray that my mom will be happier, healthier, luckier, and wealthier at any moments and we can give her every little things she wants in life and making her proud of our big achievements #please help us LORD #Aamiin HE Grants! :-)

Now, looking back at these two events also have made me realize that I should had given my heart more peace and listen to what they say carefully without an anger/ego. I had no idea why I wrote that at the day when my friend's mom died and felt that my uncle wouldn't lived long after the Chinese new year. I have abandoned in trusting my heart for almost 2 years now or more ever since I trusted Grumpy's more than mine. His prediction is even better than mine especially when he doesn't like someone. But now, I guess, this is the time for me to listen the whisper of my heart genuinely and pushing away my anger slowly or even get rid of it instantly if I could.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Random Post

I still remember the reason of why I started to write a blog is to keep practicing myself to be a good writer by beating my laziness as hard as I could. Nonetheless, I failed as now, there are few travelling post, I haven't posted yet, some movie reviews and those gloomy days I forgot to share. I'm not sure who are following my blogs or which friends of mine come and by but I'm so sorry, I should had been able to manage my time more wisely. Once again , I am so sorry for abandoned for a while especially for almost one month or so, I'm married with Photoshop and it's commands throughout most of the hours in a day. I do love editing but somehow, it bore me to death to keep editing the same client and seeing the same faces. 

Anyway, in this Saturday, I have finished another client out of several others which are pending. I know I don't feel so professional and would like to apologize so deeply but anyway, I'm trying to keep up, speed up my editing as much as I can even sometimes I'm lack of sleeping. Nothing much to write because I just feel like to post some client images which I recently edited and finished. Here are some random photos and for more awesome photos can be seen through my facebook's page :

Thursday 7 February 2013

Fini & Bluey !

Hello everyone, let's introduce our new friends (mine) : Fini and Bluey as the presents from Mr. Gwumpieh. He gave me Fini first then after few days we brought Bluey but the truth, I already fall in love with Fini right from the first sight. Fini and Bluey is so opposite to each other which either they are totally opposite or Bluey isn't yet feel comfortable with me. Fini loves attentions and to be photographed while Bluey is super coward and hiding when I talk with him. 

Fini is really active, finished his food in less than few minutes and he gets super excited whenever he sees me. While Bluey takes forever to finish his food, hates dark and don't like me around. Both of them is just completely different and opposite as you can see through these photos. Nothing much to say but, they really entertained me a lot especially whenever I'm talking with Fini. I remembered, when the first day I've Fini, I got so worried that he will be starving, how to take care of him, but having him around comforts me in a way. The first meeting with Bluey, he was so eager for a fight but I kept yelling "fini don't, fini don't" and he just moved away while Bluey just hide LOL but now I guess after I told him "not to fight, not to fight", he stops fighting even when Bluey starts to! 

But sometimes, I know I'm being unfair to Bluey like didn't talk with him as much as I talk with Fini but he scares, so I don't know what to do. If i put my finger in the window, he would back off unlike Fini. Fini would be searching for my finger and try to kiss even :)