
Friday 1 March 2013

Quick Gateway III : BROMO's OMG Trip ( DAY 2 Part 1)

Previous Blog : DAY 1  and me and Gwumpieh's ordinary Photo but look like PRE-WED  (seriously, you have to look at our photos! taken by the awesome girls and edited by me #proud :p)

I know Finally I uploaded the 2nd day of our quick gateway of visiting Mount Bromo! Anyway, the moment where we were waiting had finally arrived but led with so much disappointments but I guess Rini, the traveler, already expected that. No one of us had a good sleep knowing we weren't used to it and the night was totally freezing but I love the weather! Woke up at around 2.30am and were getting ready to be picked up at 3.30am to see the beauty of Mount Bromo. We were waiting, waiting, for an hour and a half and we couldn't even see a sneak peek of the mountain because of the cloudy sky and a bit of rain pour too! I guess, we picked the wrong time (we came at rainy season) but we didn't regret at all not after what we saw afterwards!  

As before we went down to the parking lot, we decided to take a quick breakfast in one of tends who happened to sell the same food and drink with the rest of the tends too! It was too freezing not because of the winds but because of the rains and my gassy tummy and sleepy eyes made me even more lazy to take pictures. I'm amazed with the clean public loo they had although we had to pay but it was totally clean compared to the ones in Jakarta, I can ensure off. I divided the photos into few posts since we visited another 3 different places afterwards!

PS : You would be seeing lots of street vendors selling corns along the way to the parking lot. Although the corns aren't that delicious but seeing on how happy their faces are while selling made you smile and like "gosh, I've brighten someone's day" in instant! 
The stairs to Mount Bromo around 3 minutes walk to reach the top!


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